Looks up IP addresses and domain names in so-called "DNSRBLs". I say "so-called" because there's no real reason why they should be block lists.
This project takes significant inspiration (including the CLI interface for the rblcheck
executable, but no code) from https://github.com/logic/rblcheck.
The biggest benefit over the original is IPv6 support, which is unfortunately lacking from most RBL tooling.
We also support allow-lists, and if an IP or name is found in one of the allow-lists then we report not blocked.
There's no short-circuiting, we'll check all the lists for both IPs and Names, and also check all the block-lists even if we found an entry in an allow-list.
There are currently no lists in the "standard" set, and the SpamHaus key doesn't actually do anything: watch this space.
$ dabl --help
dabl 0.1.0
Andrew Aylett <andrew@aylett.co.uk>
Queries DNS Allow- or Block-Lists
dabl [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [query]...
--standard Use the built-in 'standard' set of lists
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --allow <IP Allow>... Specify an allow list to use
-b, --block <IP Block>... Specify a block list to use
--spamhaus-key <SpamHaus key> Your SpamHaus subscription key
$ rblcheck --help
rblcheck 0.1.0
Andrew Aylett <andrew@aylett.co.uk>
Queries DNS block-lists (or allow lists!)
rblcheck [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [query]...
-c Clear the built-in list
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-s <source>... Specify a list to use