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🪟 Unity UI
💥 Unity VFX
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- All languages
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A collection of effects for unity Post-processing Stack v2
My recreation of CS2's responsive smoke grenades in Unity
An ink drawing post processing shader
Smooth Normals to Improve backface Outline
Simple Hamburger making game like Overcooked in Unity3D
A Vornoi Diagram Generator on Unity using C# Job System (DOTS)
This repo represents the ideal starting point for new VFX GRAPH / SHADER GRAPH Unity projects. It includes best practices for project structure and C# coding standards.
This repo represents the ideal starting point for new OOP Unity projects. It includes best practices for project structure and C# coding standards.
A C#/Unity tool for quickly and easily serializing to and deserializing from binary.
A cheap and simple runtime Animator for skeletal meshes in Unity.
Simple approximated dynamic sound physics (occlusion and reverb) for Unity.
Command based scriptable build pipeline for Unity 3D
Simple, beautiful ribbons VFX for Unity (URP).
Tool to export Unity sprite sheet slices as individual images
Send messages and files to Discord channels using webhooks. It provides a simple API for sending text messages, capturing and attaching screenshots, and even compressing and attaching log files for…
Plug-in to use Android WebView as uGUI (Texture2D)
A collection of utilities for creating rhythm games in Unity, Unreal, Godot and SDL.
A dynamic, runtime string interpolation tool for Unity, supporting custom formatting and expressions.
A simple script getting height data at scale using Unity.Jobs and making objects afloat.
Lightweight and efficient CSV parser without dependencies for Unity.