Releases: alexzielenski/Mousecape
[x] Fix memory leak
[x] Fix helper tool instant crashing from earlier betas
[Fix] Test build for attempted fix of #89.
[Fix] OS X changed to no longer re-initialize missing cursor images that Mousecape resets. Mousecape now manually reinitializes reset cursor images.
[Fix] Dark Mode Appearance
[New] Applied Cape is now re-applied every time Mousecape is opened
s/o to Allan Nyholm Nielson just for being the man
cursor flip
It is a tool for converting a horizontal animated images into vertical ones expected by Mousecape.
/path/to/cursorflip /path/to/image.png num_fames
- [New] information in read me on how to animate cursors
- [New] Ability to export cursors by holding the alt key when dragging from the edit window
- [New] Ability to dump currently applied cursors from Capes menu
- [Fix] Checking for existing identifiers already in library
- [Fix] Inaccurate hotspot dot in edit window
- [New] First image dragged in to edit window drop zone defines the cursor size
- [New] Drag in multiple images of the same size to animate
- [New] Holt alt key while dragging a cursor image in to add it as a frame
- [Fix] Adding a cursor to the library by opening it without the app open
- [Fix] Identifier renames not being saved
- [New] Sort cursors within a cape by name in library window
- [New] Preference for left-handed users that flips all pointer images
- FIX edit window keeping the application alive when the main window was closed
- FIX hidden files in the cursor library being processed
- FIX contextual menu actions greyed out
- FIX inability to drag images into the boxes
- FIX drag cloud cursor persisting after an image was removed
This update rewrites the helper tool functionality and installation. It also makes Mousecape compatible with Mac OS X Yosemite and adds previews of cursor libraries to the main library window.
Merge pull request #20 from alexzielenski/dev v0.0.2
Merge pull request #19 from alexzielenski/dev merge tag