The vimide-alex is a toolkit to configure your vi editor as an IDE quickly.
Currently we support debian 9+ / macOS 10.12+ with vim 8+. I recommend using the standard vim
and exuberant-ctags
package for debian, and the vim compiled from source code for macOS.
- ctags
- pynvim (pip)
- jedi (pip)
Please run the script ./
first, then run :PlugInstall
inside vim to install the plugins.
- colorscheme: wombat256 is enabled to support syntax highlight
- vim-plug: vim-plug is the new plugin manager
- ack: ack is a plugin to support ack/ag search in vim, which also requires "ag" tool installed
- lightline: lightline is a plugin to make the status line look better
- nerdtree: nerdtree is a file explorer plugin
- tagbar: tagbar is a plugin to explore code structure tags
- auto_mkdir: auto_mkdir is a plugin to automatically create the file's parent path if not exist when saving
- deoplete: deoplete is a plugin to auto complete words in vim
- copilot: copilot is a plugin to enable AI assist in coding
- <F2>: nerdtree on/off
- <F3>: tagbar on/off
The file
is an example of compiling vim from source code for macOS.