This document is a reference for options available in the Klipper config file when adding the Tools module.
Can be found in the different subdirectories. Feel free to add some for reference or send them my way and I will format, comment and add them.
ToolGroups must come before tools that use them. A Tool that is used as physical_parent must be configured before other virtual tools that use it as a parent.
must be used as described in the Klipper documentation.[input_shaper]
needs to be used for input shaper to work.
Configures the Locking mechanism and other common configuration for the Tools module.
#purge_on_toolchange: True
# Here we can disable all purging. When disabled it overrides all other purge options.
# This can be turned off by a macro for automatic probing hot tools without probing them.
# For example when doing TAMV or ZTATP. The default is True.
#init_printer_to_last_tool: True
# Initialise as it was turned off, unlock tool if none was loaded or lock if one was
# loaded. Defaults to True
# A list of G-Code commands to execute when the tool is locked
# in place by the TOOL_LOCK command. This parameter must
# be provided. This can also call a macro.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute when the tool is unlocked
# in place by the TOOL_UNLOCK command. This parameter must
# be provided. This can also call a macro.
Can be used for grouping settings common to multiple tools. At least one (the 0) must be specified and can be empty.
[toolgroup 0]
#is_virtual: True
# If True then must have a physical_parent declared and shares extruder, hotend and
# fan with the physical_parent
#physical_parent: 0
# Tool used as a Physical parent for all toos of this group. Only used if the tool i virtual.
#lazy_home_when_parking: 0
# If the printer is able to home with the tool mounted.
# When set to 1, will home unhomed XY axes if needed and will not move any axis
# if already homed and parked. 2 Will also home Z if not homed.
#idle_to_standby_time: 30
#idle_to_powerdown_time: 600
A tool can be a physical tool on a toolchanger, being picked up and dropped of, or it can be virtual on a tool. A virtual tool can be a ERCF, a roatating wheel, etc.
A virtual tool is a second layer of toolchanging. For example if using a physical e3d Revo with a Bondtech LGX Lite and two fans connected to a 9 port ERCF filament changer. Then the [Tool 0] to [Tool 9] would have 0 as parent and all be virtual. When changing from T0 to T2, then only the ERCF script would run. But if changing from T11 to T2, then first a toolchange and then a ERCF filament change would occur.
A tool does not have to have a heater, extruder or fan. It can be a simple pen.
The only mandatory setting is "tool_group".
A virtual tool can inherit all and any configuration from the parent tool except for "is_virtual" and "physical_parent". Both can be defined in a group, so basicly only the group needs to be specified for a group of tools
[tool 0]
# The Toolgroup number for this tool
# Must be used and configured before thr tool using it.
#is_virtual: False
# Defines this tool as physical or virtual.
# Nr of the physical parent of this tool. Defaults not having one.
# Name of extruder connected to this tool. For example "extruder"
# or "extruder1" without the quotation marks. Defaults to having no extruder.
# Name of general fan configuration used as a partcooling fan.
# For example "partfan_t0". Defaults to having no extruder.
# Coordinates to when the toolhead is near the tool, used for fas aproach.
# For example "550,5". This would be X550 Y5 in the printer coordinates.
# Coordinates to when the tool is parked, aproach slowly from zone coordinates.
# For example "598,5". This would be X598 Y5 in the printer coordinates.
# Offset of the tip of the tool to the coordinates of the head in X,Y,Z
# For example "11.278,3.766,3.528". Defaults to "0,0,0"
#idle_to_standby_time: 0.1
# Time in seconds from the tool being parked to setting temperature to standby
# if the temperature current temperature is above the standby temperature.
# Use 0.1 to change imediatley to standby temperature. Defaults to 0.1
# If you use 0, then it disables the standby temperature.
#idle_to_powerdown_time: 600
# Time in seconds from being parked to turning off the heater, setting temperature to 0.
# Use something like 86400 to wait 24h if you want to disable. Defaults to 600 (10 minutes).
#lazy_home_when_parking: 0
# If the printer is able to home with the tool mounted.
# When set to 1, will home unhomed XY axes if needed and will not move any axis
# if already homed and parked. 2 Will also home Z if not homed.
#meltzonelength: 0
# Length of the meltzone for retracting and inserting filament on toolchange. 18mm for e3d Revo.
#shaper_freq_x: 0
#shaper_freq_y: 0
# Shaper frequency for this tool. For example "116.4". Defaults to "0".. See Klipper documentation for more details.
# shaper_type_x: "mzv"
# shaper_type_y: "mzv"
# Shaper type for this tool. Defaults to "mzv". See Klipper documentation for more details.
#shaper_damping_ratio_x: 0
#shaper_damping_ratio_x: 0
# Damping ratios of vibrations of X and Y axes used by input shaper.
# Defaults to "0.1". See Klipper documentation for more details.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute when the tool is locked
# in place by the TOOL_LOCK command. This can also call a macro.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute when the tool is unlocked
# in place by the TOOL_UNLOCK command. This can also call a macro.
Not used yet:
#HeatMultiplyerAtFullFanSpeed = 1
# Multiplier to be aplied to hotend temperature when fan is at maximum.
# Will be multiplied with fan speed. Ex. 1.1 at 205*C and fan speed of 40% will set temperature to 213*C