The application is a SPA that provides the ability to:
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete, Sort, View) goods and commodities in warehouse of the application by a salesperson.
- Register in an account base for a user.
- Change/restore password.
- Manage users and roles registered in the application by an administrator.
- Manage user’s orders and shopping cart by a user.
- Accept or decline user’s orders by a salesperson.
- Catalog view.
- Cart view.
- Orders view.
- Users view.
- Login view.
- Registration view.
- Account view.
- All technology stack of Vue:vue + vuex + vue-router + Webpack
- ES6
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run build:all
npm run build:all:windows
- Main.
- Db.
- Carts.
- Catalog.
- Orders.
- Users.
/ :get
/change :post
/delete :post
/ :get
/create :post
/delete :post
/edit :post
/ :get
/create :post
/change-status :post
/ :get
/create :post
/delete :post
/edit :post
/disable :post
/restore :post
/restore-password :post
/login :get
/change-password :post
Contains login and password to connect to MongoDb.
npm run dev
npm run start
npm run dev:windows
npm run start:windows