Simple tray application for syncthing
Connects to syncthing at http://localhost:8384
or any other url by setting the command line parameter -target="http://localhost:8384"
A syncthing api key needs to be provided via -api STAPIKEY
Binary releases for Windows and Linux are available on the releases tab.
OSX binaries are not provided here but can be built from source and are included in syncthing-mac.
The following packages on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 are needed: libgtk-3-dev libappindicator3-dev
. On other distributions other packages may be needed.
Version iformation is provided by adding -ldflags "-X main.VersionStr=$versionStr -X main.BuildUnixTime=$versionDate"
when compiling. $versionStr
is the version that should be printed, e.g. v0.7
. $versionDate
is a unix timestamp in seconds.
go build -i -v -o ./linux64/syncthing-tray -ldflags "-X main.VersionStr=$versionStr -X main.BuildUnixTime=$versionDate"
Windows binaries can be cross compiled from Linux using mingw. Example:
CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -i -v -ldflags "-H=windowsgui -X main.VersionStr=$versionStr -X main.BuildUnixTime=$versionDate" -o ./windows32/syncthing-tray.exe
The option -H=windowsgui
prevents a console window from being shown and can be removed to see the log for debugging.