- A .pdf file with the following
- Application Proposal containing the following
- Description of the db application
- Functionalities being implemented (At least 3 different)
- Any Extra functionalities/artifacts
- A note about implementing using AWS cloud
- ER Model of the Application
- Schema of the database normalized to 4NF. Detailed steps of the normalization
- Application Proposal containing the following
- A .sql file with the following
- The script that implements the normalized DB schema (declares tables, establishes keys, RI/other constraints)
- A script entering 10 records into each table (initial data set)
- Well documented source code
- Well written readme on how to run/install the application (this file)
- Test Cases (A file explaining?)
- A powerpoint with the following:
- Application Description (1-2 slides)
- Raw Data and back end design (2-3 slides)
- Implemented Functionalities (1-2 slides)
- Demonstration of at least 3 functionalities during demo
- Conclusion (1 slide)
- References (1 slide)