Lily (Xianling) Zhang is a Technical Lead and Machine Learning Research Scientist at Ford Autonomy, Palo Alto, CA, located at Ford Greenfield Labs, Stanford Research Park. She is working on Perception and Prediction for autonomous driving tasks.
- 3D perception and motion prediction
- Geometric scene understanding based data manipulation(scene relighting) to significantly improve the performance of SOTA CenterTrack algorithm.
- Dataset bias identification using perceptual similarity based data clustering for large scale dataset meta labeling, similar data searching, balanced data selection for training set curation.
- Image synthesize using Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) and 3D game engines that achieves consistent improvement over multple autonomous driving task: parking slot detection, highway lane segmentation, and monodepth estimation.
- One of her recent 2022 CVPR publication on scene relighting has been accepted to NVIDIA GTC 2023. She is looking forward to sharing the work with the community. Feel free to bring some tough questions in the session.π