Having some spare time, I decided to test your project on hardware with 416CPU and 11TB of RAM memory.
So far, the setting "-k 512 / -n 0x4000000000000" has gone quite smoothly, which showed the result of 3 Ekeys / s (3551908604685192864 keys / s), but it is still a small part of the available memory. At the moment I am trying "-k 2048 / -n 0x4000000000000", but it's been 24 hours since the start and the system is stuck at 49%:
While I checked before - it is from 413 available CPUs - only number 11 had 100% consumption, so now I can see that no one is working on anything. The process list also shows that resources are still available ... So what's wrong?
Over what configuration by. Will you be the most effective for such equipment? -k -n -t?