Gretty is a feature-rich gradle plugin for running web-apps on embedded servlet containers. It supports Jetty versions 7, 8 and 9, Tomcat versions 7 and 8, multiple web-apps and many more. It wraps servlet container functions as convenient Gradle tasks and configuration DSL.
A complete list of Gretty features is available in feature overview.
If you are new with Gretty, try getting started page.
Feb 1, 2017, Gretty 1.4.1 is out immediately available at Bintray and Maven Central.
Changes in this version:
The most significant change is compatibility with Gradle 3.3.
Pull Requests #198, #205, #266, #293, #297 and #312 were merged into master.
Issues #296, #300, #307, #317, #320, #322, #323 were resolved.
See also: complete list of changes for more information.
You can learn about all Gretty features in online documentation.
Gretty requires JDK7 or JDK8 and Gradle 1.10 or newer (Gradle 3.3 is highly recommended!).
Gretty also works on JDK6, although Jetty support is limited to versions 7 and 8 in this case. This is due to the fact that Jetty 9 was compiled against JDK7 and it's bytecode is not compatible with JDK6.
Gretty is an open-source project and is freely available in sources as well as in compiled form.
All releases of Gretty are available at Bintray
Copyright 2013-2017 (c) Andrey Hihlovskiy, Timur Shakurov and contributors.
All versions, present and past, of Gretty are licensed under MIT license.