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GEFEST (Generative Evolution For Encoded STructures) is a toolbox for the generative design of physical objects.
It uses: (1) numerical modelling to simulate the interaction between object and environment; (2) evolutionary optimization to produce new variants of geometrically-encoded structures.
The basic abstractions in GEFEST are Point, Polygon, Structure and Domain.
The workflow of the generative design is the following:
We acknowledge the contributors for their important impact and the participants of the numerous scientific conferences and workshops for their valuable advice and suggestions.
- Telegram channel for solving problems and answering questions on GEFEST
- Natural System Simulation Team
- Newsfeed
- Youtube channel
@inproceedings{nikitin2021generative, title={Generative design of microfluidic channel geometry using evolutionary approach}, author={Nikitin, Nikolay O and Hvatov, Alexander and Polonskaia, Iana S and Kalyuzhnaya, Anna V and Grigorev, Georgii V and Wang, Xiaohao and Qian, Xiang}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion}, pages={59--60}, year={2021} }
@article{nikitin2020multi, title={The multi-objective optimisation of breakwaters using evolutionary approach}, author={Nikitin, Nikolay O and Polonskaia, Iana S and Kalyuzhnaya, Anna V and Boukhanovsky, Alexander V}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03010}, year={2020} }