This repository contains scripts that enable training agents using the IMPALA Algorithm on MuJoCo and Atari environments. We follow the original paper Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms by Espeholt et al. 2018.
Please note that we provide 2 examples, one for single node training and one for distributed training. Both examples rely on the same utils file, but besides that are independent. Each example contains the following files:
Main Script: The definition of algorithm components and the training loop can be found in the main script (e.g.
Utils File: A utility file is provided to contain various helper functions, generally to create the environment and the models (e.g.
Configuration File: This file includes default hyperparameters specified in the original paper. For the multi-node case, the file also includes the configuration file of the Ray cluster. Users can modify these hyperparameters to customize their experiments (e.g. config_single_node.yaml).
You can execute the single node IMPALA algorithm on Atari environments by running the following command:
You can execute the multi-node IMPALA algorithm on Atari environments by running the following command: