A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Name | Url | |
AgileLab | http://agilelab.it |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
cdpPrivate | object | {"enabled":true,"hdfs":{"nn1":null,"nn2":null,"webhdfsPort":9871,"webhdfsProtocol":"https"},"kerberos":{"jaasOverride":null,"krb5Override":null,"loginContext":null,"useKerberosAuth":true},"livy":{"host":"livy-url","port":8998,"quartzPropsOverride":null,"url":"http://livy-url:8998"}} |
Cloudera private mode |
cdpPrivate.hdfs | object | {"nn1":null,"nn2":null,"webhdfsPort":9871,"webhdfsProtocol":"https"} |
This is hdfs configuration block |
cdpPrivate.hdfs.nn1 | string | nil |
Namenode 1 hostname |
cdpPrivate.hdfs.nn2 | string | nil |
Namenode 2 hostname |
cdpPrivate.hdfs.webhdfsPort | int | 9871 |
WebHdfs Port |
cdpPrivate.hdfs.webhdfsProtocol | string | "https" |
WebHdfs Protocol |
cdpPrivate.kerberos.jaasOverride | string | nil |
This configuration allows you to override the jaas.conf file |
cdpPrivate.kerberos.krb5Override | string | nil |
This configuration allows you to override the krb5.conf file |
cdpPrivate.kerberos.loginContext | string | nil |
Login context |
cdpPrivate.kerberos.useKerberosAuth | bool | true |
This configuration controls the use of Kerberos authentication |
cdpPrivate.livy | object | {"host":"livy-url","port":8998,"quartzPropsOverride":null,"url":"http://livy-url:8998"} |
This is livy configuration block |
cdpPrivate.livy.quartzPropsOverride | string | nil |
This configuration allows you to override the quartz.properties file |
configOverride | string | nil |
This configuration allows you to override the application.yaml file |
customRootCA.enabled | bool | true |
If this option is enabled, the chart will load the custom CA from a secret with key cdp-private-impala-custom-ca . The CA is expected to be in a format compatible with keytool utility (PEM works fine). |
dockerRegistrySecretName | string | "regcred" |
Docker Registry Secret name used to access a private repo |
existingServiceAccount | string | "default" |
the name of an existing serviceAccount |
image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
The imagePullPolicy for a container and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull (download) the specified image. |
image.registry | string | "registry.gitlab.com/agilefactory/witboost.mesh/provisioning/cdp-refresh/witboost.mesh.provisioning.workload.cdp.spark" |
Image repository |
image.tag | string | "latest" |
Image tag |
labels | object | {} |
Allows you to specify common labels |
livenessProbe | object | {} |
liveliness probe spec |
logbackOverride | string | nil |
This configuration allows you to override the logback.xml file |
readinessProbe | object | {} |
readiness probe spec |
replicas | int | 1 |
the number of pod replicas |
resources | object | {} |
resources spec |
securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1001} |
security context spec |
serviceAccount | object | {"create":false,"roleArn":"asd"} |
service account nme |
serviceAccount.roleArn | string | "asd" |
The AWS role arn that will be assumed |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0