ChaCha is a stream cipher family created by Daniel J. Bernstein.
The most common ChaCha variant is ChaCha20 (20 rounds). ChaCha20 is
standardized in RFC 7539.
This package provides implementations of three ChaCha versions:
- ChaCha20 with a 64 bit nonce (can en/decrypt up to 2^64 * 64 bytes for one key-nonce combination)
- ChaCha20 with a 96 bit nonce (can en/decrypt up to 2^32 * 64 bytes ~ 256 GB for one key-nonce combination)
- XChaCha20 with a 192 bit nonce (can en/decrypt up to 2^64 * 64 bytes for one key-nonce combination)
Furthermore the chacha sub package implements ChaCha20/12 and ChaCha20/8. These versions use 12 or 8 rounds instead of 20. But it's recommended to use ChaCha20 (with 20 rounds) - it will be fast enough for almost all purposes.
Install in your GOPATH: go get -u
All go versions >= 1.8.7 are supported. The code may also work on Go 1.7 but this is not tested.
Hardware: Intel i7-6500U 2.50GHz x 2
System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 - kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic
Go version: 1.8.0
name speed cpb
ChaCha20_64-4 573MB/s ± 0% 4.16
ChaCha20_1K-4 2.19GB/s ± 0% 1.06
XChaCha20_64-4 261MB/s ± 0% 9.13
XChaCha20_1K-4 1.69GB/s ± 4% 1.37
XORKeyStream64-4 474MB/s ± 2% 5.02
XORKeyStream1K-4 2.09GB/s ± 1% 1.11
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream64-4 262MB/s ± 0% 9.09
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream1K-4 1.71GB/s ± 1% 1.36
name speed cpb
ChaCha20_64-4 583MB/s ± 0% 4.08
ChaCha20_1K-4 1.15GB/s ± 1% 2.02
XChaCha20_64-4 267MB/s ± 0% 8.92
XChaCha20_1K-4 984MB/s ± 5% 2.42
XORKeyStream64-4 492MB/s ± 1% 4.84
XORKeyStream1K-4 1.10GB/s ± 5% 2.11
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream64-4 266MB/s ± 0% 8.96
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream1K-4 1.00GB/s ± 2% 2.32
Hardware: Intel i7-6500U 2.50GHz x 2
System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 - kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic
Go version: 1.8.0
name speed cpb
ChaCha20_64-4 570MB/s ± 0% 4.18
ChaCha20_1K-4 650MB/s ± 0% 3.66
XChaCha20_64-4 223MB/s ± 0% 10.69
XChaCha20_1K-4 584MB/s ± 1% 4.08
XORKeyStream64-4 392MB/s ± 1% 6.08
XORKeyStream1K-4 629MB/s ± 1% 3.79
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream64-4 222MB/s ± 0% 10.73
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream1K-4 585MB/s ± 0% 4.07
name speed cpb
ChaCha20_64-4 509MB/s ± 0% 4.68
ChaCha20_1K-4 553MB/s ± 2% 4.31
XChaCha20_64-4 201MB/s ± 0% 11.86
XChaCha20_1K-4 498MB/s ± 4% 4.78
XORKeyStream64-4 359MB/s ± 1% 6.64
XORKeyStream1K-4 545MB/s ± 0% 4.37
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream64-4 201MB/s ± 1% 11.86
XChaCha20_XORKeyStream1K-4 507MB/s ± 0% 4.70