A monorepo for building everywhere.
- Web application using Next.js
- Mobile application using Expo
- APIs using Hono & Cloudflare Workers
- Desktop application using Tauri, Vite and Tanstack Router
- Browser extension using WXT
- Documentation site using Next.js + Fumadocs
├── apps # Cross-platform applications
│ ├── api # Hono API with RPC client, deployed on Cloudflare Workers
│ ├── web # Next.js web application
│ ├── mobile # Expo mobile application
│ ├── desktop # Tauri desktop application
│ ├── docs # Astro documentation site with Starlight
│ ├── marketing # Astro Marketing site
│ └── extensions # WXT browser extensions
├── packages # Shared internal packages for use across apps
│ ├── ai # AI utilities
│ ├── analytics # Web and product analytics
│ ├── auth # Authentication utilities
│ ├── common # Shared utilities, helpers, assets, and type definitions
│ ├── db # Database client and ORM using Drizzle
│ ├── email # Email templating and sending service using Resend
│ ├── env # Environment variable management and validation
│ ├── queue # Serverless job queue and workflow management using Inngest and Upstash Qstash
│ ├── kv # Redis client and vector database integration using Upstash
│ ├── observability # Logging, error tracking, and monitoring using Sentry and Axiom
│ ├── payments # Payment processing utilities using Stripe
│ ├── security # Security utilities and best practices using Arcjet
│ ├── storage # Shared storage utilities using UploadThing
│ ├── ui # Reusable UI components and design system using Shadcn/UI
│ └── validation # Shared data validation schemas using Zod
├── tooling # Shared development and build tools
│ ├── tailwind # Tailwind CSS configuration
│ ├── tsconfig # TypeScript configuration
│ └── utils # Common utility functions for tooling and scripts
├── scripts # Scripts for random tasks
└── turbo # Turborepo configuration for monorepo management
└── generators # Code generators for packages and tooling
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── app/ # App router for Next.js
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets shared across the app (images, icons, etc.)
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── lib/ # Shared utilities and helpers
│ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication client and helpers
│ │ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ │ ├── i18n/ # Internationalization setup
│ │ ├── middlewares/ # Global middleware to be imported into middleware.ts
│ │ ├── stores/ # Global state management stores
│ │ ├── env.ts # Environment variable configuration
│ │ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ │ ├── safe-action.ts # Type-safe server actions client and middleware
│ │ ├── types.ts # TypeScript type definitions
│ │ ├── utils.ts # General utility functions
│ │ └── validation.ts # Form and data validation schemas
│ │
│ ├── server/ # Server-side code
│ │ ├── data/ # Data access layer (e.g., database queries)
│ │ ├── loaders.ts # Shared data fetching functions for server components
│ │ └── actions.ts # Shared server actions for handling form submissions and mutations
│ │
│ ├── features/ # Feature-based modules
│ │ └──[feature]/ # Specific feature (e.g., auth, dashboard, settings)
│ │ ├── assets/ # Feature-specific assets
│ │ ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
│ │ ├── actions.ts # Feature-specific server actions
│ │ ├── hooks.ts # Feature-specific custom hooks
│ │ ├── loaders.ts # Feature-specific data loaders
│ │ ├── stores.ts # Feature-specific state stores
│ │ ├── types.ts # Feature-specific type definitions
│ │ ├── utils.ts # Feature-specific utility functions
│ │ └── validation.ts # Feature-specific validation schemas
│ │
│ ├── middleware.ts # Next.js middleware for request/response modification
│ └── instrumentation.ts # Monitoring and analytics instrumentation
├── translations # Internationalization translation files
└── global.d.ts # Global TypeScript declarations
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── app/ # App router
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets shared across the app
│ │ └── styles/ # Global styles
│ │
│ ├── components/ # Shared components used across the entire app
│ ├── lib/ # Reusable libraries (e.g. hooks, utils)
│ │ ├── stores/ # Global state stores
│ │ ├── api.ts # Global API and query client
│ │ ├── auth.ts # Authentication client and helpers
│ │ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ │ ├── env.ts # Environment variables
│ │ ├── hooks.ts # Shared hooks
│ │ ├── i18n.ts # Internationalization
│ │ ├── types.ts # Shared types
│ │ ├── utils.ts # Shared utilities for the app
│ │ └── validation.ts # Shared validation schemas
│ │
│ └── features # Feature based modules
│ └──[feature]/ # Specific feature (e.g. auth, dashboard, settings)
│ ├── assets/ # Feature-specific assets
│ ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
│ ├── hooks.ts # Feature-specific hooks
│ ├── mutations.ts # Feature-specific mutations
│ ├── queries.ts # Feature-specific queries
│ ├── stores.ts # Feature-specific global state stores
│ ├── types.ts # Feature-specific types
│ ├── utils.ts # Feature-specific utilities
│ └── validation.ts # Feature-specific validation schemas
└── translations # Translations files
└── src/ # Source code
├── index.ts # Entry point to the worker
├── app.ts # Main Hono app setup
├── client.ts # RPC client type to be used in other apps
├── lib/ # Reusable libraries (e.g. middleware, utils)
│ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ ├── env.ts # Environment variables
│ ├── middlewares.ts # Shared middlewares
│ ├── types.ts # Shared types
│ └── utils.ts # General utility functions
└── features/ # Feature based modules
└──[feature]/ # Specific feature (e.g. auth, dashboard, settings)
├── router.ts # Feature-specific router
├── procedures.ts # Feature-specific procedures
├── types.ts # Feature-specific types
├── utils.ts # Feature-specific utilities
└── validation.ts # Feature-specific validation schemas
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── main.tsx # Entry point to the desktop app
│ ├── routes/ # Routing
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets shared across the app
│ │ └── styles/ # Global styles
│ │
│ ├── components/ # Shared components used across the entire app
│ │
│ ├── lib/ # Reusable libraries (e.g. hooks, utils)
│ │ ├── stores/ # Global state stores
│ │ ├── api.ts # Global API and query client
│ │ ├── auth.ts # Authentication client and helpers
│ │ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ │ ├── env.ts # Environment variables
│ │ ├── hooks.ts # Shared hooks
│ │ ├── i18n.ts # Internationalization
│ │ ├── types.ts # Shared types
│ │ ├── utils.ts # Shared utilities for the app
│ │ └── validation.ts # Shared validation schemas
│ │
│ └── features # Feature based modules
│ └──[feature]/ # Specific feature (e.g. auth, dashboard, settings)
│ ├── assets/ # Feature-specific assets
│ ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
│ ├── hooks.ts # Feature-specific hooks
│ ├── mutations.ts # Feature-specific mutations
│ ├── queries.ts # Feature-specific queries
│ ├── stores.ts # Feature-specific global state stores
│ ├── types.ts # Feature-specific types
│ ├── utils.ts # Feature-specific utilities
│ └── validation.ts # Feature-specific validation schemas
├── translations # Translations files
└── content # Blog and other static content
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── assets/ # Assets processed by WXT
│ │ └── styles/ # Global styles
│ │
│ ├── components/ # Shared components used across the entire extension
│ │
│ ├── lib/ # Reusable libraries (e.g. hooks, utils)
│ │ ├── services/ # Shared services
│ │ ├── stores/ # Global state stores
│ │ ├── api.ts # Global API and query client
│ │ ├── auth.ts # Authentication client and helpers
│ │ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ │ ├── env.ts # Environment variables
│ │ ├── hooks.ts # Shared hooks
│ │ ├── i18n.ts # Internationalization
│ │ ├── types.ts # Shared types
│ │ ├── utils.ts # Shared utilities for the app
│ │ └── validation.ts # Shared validation schemas
│ │
│ ├── entrypoints/ # Entrypoints
│ │ ├── popup/ # Popup entrypoint
│ │ ├── background/ # Background script entrypoint
│ │ └── ... # Other entrypoints
│ │
│ ├── features # Feature based modules
│ │ └──[feature]/ # Specific feature (e.g. auth, dashboard, settings)
│ │ ├── assets/ # Feature-specific assets
│ │ ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
│ │ ├── hooks.ts # Feature-specific hooks
│ │ ├── mutations.ts # Feature-specific mutations
│ │ ├── queries.ts # Feature-specific queries
│ │ ├── services.ts # Feature-specific services
│ │ ├── stores.ts # Feature-specific global state stores
│ │ ├── types.ts # Feature-specific types
│ │ ├── utils.ts # Feature-specific utilities
│ │ └── validation.ts # Feature-specific validation schemas
│ │
│ ├── routes/ # Routing shared by all entrypoints
│ │ ├── __root.tsx # Root route
│ │ └── ... # Other routes
│ │
│ ├── static/ # Static assets not processed by WXT. Includes the extension icon.
│ │
│ ├── router.ts # Router instance
│ └── routeTree.gen.ts # Auto-generated route tree
└── wxt.config.ts # WXT configuration
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── app/ # App router for Next.js
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets shared across the app
│ ├── lib/ # Reusable libraries (e.g. hooks, utils)
│ │ ├── constants.ts # Constant values and enums
│ │ ├── env.ts # Environment variables
│ │ ├── source.ts # Documentation source
│ │ └── utils.ts # Shared utilities for the app
│ │
│ └── instrumentation.ts # Monitoring and analytics instrumentation
└── content/ # Documentation content in MDX format
To start the development server, run pnpm dev
on the root directory.
Apps run in the 3000-3999 range. Packages run in the 8000-8999 range.
Web: 3000
API: 3001
Mobile: 3002
Desktop: 3003
Extension: 3004
Docs: 3005
Email: 8081
Queue: 8288