Clients (doctors, nurses, patients and government Agency) provide an accepted certificate + password to establish a TLS connection to the server containing patient records.
- A patient can read his own records.
- A nurse can read/write all records associated with him and read all records associated with the same division.
- A doctor can read/write all records associated with him and read all records associated with the same division. And can create records. When creating a record he also associates a nurse with the record.
- A government agency can read/delete all records.
The starting point of the simulation concist of the clients:
- doc0 (div0)
- doc1 (div1)
- nurse0 (div0)
- nurse1 (div1)
- patientAlice
- patientBob
- govAge
and the records:
- Patient: alice, Doctor: doc0, Divsion: div0, Nurse: nurse0, Comment: Broken foot
- Patient: Bob, Doctor: doc1, Division: div1, Nurse: nurse1, Comment: Broken heart