when you need more space
# Bower
bower install --save spacersjs
npm install spacersjs
Option | Type | Default | Description |
element | string | null | Selector on which the spacer has to be initialized |
appendHtml | string | begin | To append spacer divs after or before the specified element . Use begin to append before the selector and end to append after the selector. |
padding | boolean | true | To enable padding, which is default behavior |
margin | boolean | false | To enable margin |
onDragEnd | boolean | null | Function for using the spacer values when drag is ended |
containedArea | object (DOM node or jQuery object) or window.document | Use if you're not able to find the element (ex- when using iframe) | |
spacerClass | object | null | For adding custom classes in the spacers |
defaultSpacing | string | 8px | Initial starting spacer height. |
defaultPadding | object | null | an object with initial padding spacer top, bottom, left, right values. Overwrites the defaultSpacing parameter |
defaultMargin | object | null | an object with initial margin spacer top, bottom, left, right values. Overwrites the defaultSpacing parameter |
spacingUnit | string | px | Change default spacing unit of spacers like em, rem, in, cm ..etc |
showOnHover | string | false | Show spacers only on hover |
hideSpacingValue | boolean | false | Hides the margin/padding values at the center of the spacer |
showLabel | string | null | Enable and set the label to specified string beside the spacing value |
enableLock | boolean | false | Link opposite spacers |
lockIcon | string | <span class="lock"></span> |
HTML string for the lock icon |
unlockIcon | string | <span class="unlock"></span> |
HTML string for the unlock icon |
Initialize with:
element: '.element-unique-class'
Voila! It works without any dependencies.
Copyright (c) 2021 Akash Licensed under the MIT license.