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CS242 Project

Project Structure

How to get db

from twit.utils import GetMongo_client.
cs_242/src/app/twit/ , the class of GetMongo_client, get the mogodb variable


  1. Within the root level of the project dir [/cs_242/] run docker-compose up. This will start all the required containers.

  2. Before using the search engine you should load data into the db, create the lucene and hadoop index. The steps to do so are below.

  3. After everthing is up and running click the link to go to the apps main page http://localhost:1337/twit/.

Capture the stream

  1. After compose up, enter the django_twitter container

docker exec -it django_twitter bash

  1. Run management cmds
cd src/app

python run-tweepy 1 # this collect 1Mb of data
# OR
python run-tweepy 1 -p 2 # this collect 1Gb of data with 2 parallel process limit 1 per account

Load data into DB

  1. download the tweets.json file from google drive tweets.json. Only RMail account can download the link.

  2. place the json file in the resources/storage/ directory of the app

  3. After compose up, enter the django_twitter container

docker exec -it django_twitter bash

  1. Run management cmds
cd src/app

python load-csv -fp 'downloaded_file_name'

# OR load sample

python load-csv -fp 'twit_tweet-standard.json'

# files MUST exists in resources/storage/ directory
# the resources/storage/ path is implied
# this file's full path would be resources/storage/twit_tweet-standard.json

create index [Lucene]

  1. After compose up, enter the django_twitter container

docker exec -it django_twitter bash

  1. Run management cmds
cd src/app
python index-tweets 

# creates two indexes ['tweet_index', 'tag_index']
# indexes are located in resources/storage/index_name

create index [Hadoop]

  1. After compose up, enter the namenode container

docker exec -it namenode bash

  1. Run management cmds
cd home/hadoopMR

# sh works as such: it exports the data from 'twit_tweet' collection in csv 
# and runs the Hadoop Map-Reduce jobs with the data, which internally calls 
# the ranking function and stores the final indexed-ranked documents in the DB.

DB GUI | MongoDB Express [MongoDB GUI]

  1. After compose up, Go to http://localhost:8081/db/django/,
    • twit_tweet collection contains all tweets data from twitter
    • ranked_index collection contains the hadoop inverted index


  • first commit * skeleton code for cs 242 project. made with django, mongodb, docker
  • Jan 31 * Complete Twitter crawling