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Easily create and pick values from Random Distributions and Markov Chains.


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Note: This is a beta release. API stability and documentation completeness are not guaranteed.

acausal makes it easy to create, edit and generate pseudo random data from Weighted Distributions and Markov Chains.


  • Immutable: all classes include static functions which do not mutate state, ensuring that models retain their integrity, and making them easy to use with Redux.
  • Portable: all classes are easily serializable and deserializable into data transfer objects, making them easy to store and rebuild regardless of whether it's on the client or the server.
  • Easy to Use: all APIs are written to prioritize developer usability, making it easy to rapidly prototype and implement new models. All classes impement both Static and Instance methods, allowing developers to choose which method suits them best.
import { MarkovChain, Distribution, Random } from 'acausal';

// Random Rarity Distribution
const dist = new Distribution({ seed: 1 });
dist.add('Green', 10);    // Common
dist.add('Blue', 5);      // Uncommon
dist.add('Purple', 1);    // Rare


/* Results in:
  'Green',  'Green',  'Green',  'Blue',  'Green',
  'Blue',  'Purple', 'Green',  'Green',  'Green'

// Markov Chain Name Generator
const mc = new MarkovChain({ seed: 1 });

console.log(mc.generate({ order: 1 }));

/* Results in:

[ 'a', 'l', 'i', 'n' ]


// Random Numbers
const rand = new Random({ seed: 1 });
rand.integer(1, 6); // Roll 1d6

// Results in: 6



npm install -s acausal


acausal is also implemented in Golang. You can find the module here:

Random Distributions

A Random Distribution is a simple model which can simulate picks from a weighted distribution of items.

This class can be used to

Random Distribution Example: Card Deck:

import { Distribution } from 'acausal';

// Create a Deck of Cards
const suits = ['♣️', '♦️', '♥️', '♠️'];
const ranks = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K'];

// Combine the Suits and Ranks
const cards = suits.reduce((last, suit) => {
  return [...last, => `${rank}${suit}`)];
}, []);

/* Should result in:
  'A♣️',  '2♣️',  '3♣️',  '4♣️', '5♣️', '6♣️', '7♣️',
  '8♣️',  '9♣️',  '10♣️', 'J♣️', 'Q♣️', 'K♣️', 'A♦️',
  '2♦️',  '3♦️',  '4♦️',  '5♦️', '6♦️', '7♦️', '8♦️',
  '9♦️',  '10♦️', 'J♦️',  'Q♦️', 'K♦️', 'A♥️', '2♥️',
  '3♥️',  '4♥️',  '5♥️',  '6♥️', '7♥️', '8♥️', '9♥️',
  '10♥️', 'J♥️',  'Q♥️',  'K♥️', 'A♠️', '2♠️', '3♠️',
  '4♠️',  '5♠️',  '6♠️',  '7♠️', '8♠️', '9♠️', '10♠️',
  'J♠️',  'Q♠️',  'K♠️'

// Create weighted source data for the Distribution
const src = cards.reduce((last, card) => ({ ...last, [card]: 1 }), {});

// Add in 2 Jokers
src['🃏'] = 2;

/* Should result in:
  'A♣️': 1,
  '2♣️': 1,
  '3♣️': 1,
  'J♠️': 1,
  'Q♠️': 1,
  'K♠️': 1,
  '🃏': 2

// Create the Distribution from the deck.
const deck = new Distribution({
  seed: 23,       // Random Seed - if this is empty it will be generated.
  source: src,    // The weighted source to generate the normalized Distribution from.

// Generate 4 picks from the deck without replacement.
const picks = deck.pick(4, undefined, true);

/* Should print:

[ 'J♣️', '10♠️', '3♦️', '9♣️' ]


Markov Chains

A Markov Chain is a mathematical model of a system in which the future state of the system depends only on its present state.

Markov Chains are usually generated by building a statistical model off of sample data, such as a list of names, which can then be used to output sequences which resemble the sampled data. A useful property of this process is that sample data can be "mixed" together like paint to achieve a desired result.

For example, if you wanted to generate names which sounded like a mix of Irish and Japanese, you could generate a Markov Chain from a sample of Irish and Japanese names and the resulting model would be able to output names that mixed the two.

Markov Chain Example: Name Generator:

import { MarkovChain } from 'acausal';

// Sample Data
const jpNames = ['honoka', 'akari', 'himari', 'mei', 'ema'];
const ieNames = ['grace', 'fiadh', 'emily', 'sophie', 'ava'];
const names = [...jpNames, ...ieNames];

// Prepare Data Source - the class expects an array of arrays.
const src = => name.split(''));

/* Should result in:
  [ 'h', 'o', 'n', 'o', 'k', 'a' ],
  [ 'a', 'k', 'a', 'r', 'i' ],
  [ 'h', 'i', 'm', 'a', 'r', 'i' ],
  [ 'm', 'e', 'i' ],
  [ 'e', 'm', 'a' ],
  [ 'g', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'e' ],
  [ 'f', 'i', 'a', 'd', 'h' ],
  [ 'e', 'm', 'i', 'l', 'y' ],
  [ 's', 'o', 'p', 'h', 'i', 'e' ],
  [ 'a', 'v', 'a' ]

// Create the Markov Chain from the source data.
const chain = new MarkovChain({
  seed: 33,       // Random Seed - if this is empty it will be generated.
  maxOrder: 2,    // Maximum Order - Chain will generate orders up to this value.
  sequences: src, // Source data, expects an array of arrays.

// Generate 5 picks.
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
  const pick = chain.generate({
    min: 4,       // Min Picks - This will force the model to pick at least 4 times.
    max: 10,      // Max Picks - Stops generation after 10 picks if no end has been reached.
    order: 2,     // Order - The largest gram size used to calculate the next pick.
    strict: false // Strict Order - Dynamically adjusts order up or down each pick if false.

/* Should print:




Markov Chains


Random Distributions


Random Numbers


Other Functions

For documentation of underlying functions, please see the docs.