a new design for Veral Soft by AndQXAI
Assalomu alaykum hammaga. Men bu dizayni Andijon Qishloq xo'jaligi va agrotexnologiyalar inistituti uchun Test tizmini avtomatlashtirish maqsadida tayyorlaganman. Bundan siz ham foydalanishingiz mumkin. Birinchi Veral Soft dasturini o'rnatib olasiz va abdulbosit deb nomlargan arxiv faylni arxindan chiqarib Veral dasturi o'rnatilgan joydan quydagi joyga joylashtirasiz
c:\Program Files (x86)\VeralTest Professional\TestServer\XSLStyles
menda Shu joyda turibdi ...\XSLStyles\ shu joyga keyin Test serverni qayta ishga tushirib olasiz Server Controlni Nastroykasidan abdulbosit ni ko'rsatib qo'yasiz. Bu Veralni odatiy ko'rinishidan ancha yaxshiroq Bootstrap stillari ishlatilgan.
Tushunmovchilik bo'lsa Youtube dan ham mening darslarimni ko'rib topishingiz mumkin.
Hello to everyone. I developed this design to automate the Test System for Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology. You can use this too. You install the first Veral Software and extract the archive file called abdulbosit from the back and place it where the Veral software is installed below
c: \ Program Files (x86) \ VeralTest Professional \ TestServer \ XSLStyles
I have it here ... \ XSLStyles \ then you can restart the Test server and specify abdulbosit from Server Control Settings. This is style is much better than usual. I used Bootstrap styles.
If there is a misunderstanding, you can also watch my lessons on Youtube.