(Matlab) code for the probabilistic brain decoding algorithms "PRINCE" and "The Algorithm Formerly Known As Prince"
statgarten / jstable
Forked from jinseob2kim/jstableRegression Tables from 'GLM', 'GEE', 'GLMM', 'Cox' and 'survey' Results.
GitHub Action that Syncs README between statgarten/datatoys and statgarten/datatoys-python
statgarten / shiny.likert
Forked from zarathucorp/shiny.likertShiny application for generate likert chart
statgarten / jsmodule
Forked from jinseob2kim/jsmoduleRStudio Addins and Shiny Modules for Medical Research
SGIS API(통계청)를 바탕으로 대한민국 행정경계(전국 시도, 시군구 등)를 geojson, svg 파일로 제공합니다.
통계, 데이터분석 입문하시는 분들이 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 공공데이터 패키지입니다. 데이터를 장난감처럼 가지고 놀아보세요 🧸!
Easily install and load packages from the statgarten
Let's play with data! We prepared toy data for data newbies.
Supports deep learning models for various format of data.