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Youtube Uploads

Aaron W Morris edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 18 revisions


  • Sign up for a Google Cloud Account
  • Navigate to IAM & Admin -> Create Project
    • Give the project a name
  • Switch to new project in drop down
  • Navigate to APIs & Services -> Library
    • Find YouTube Data API v3
    • Enable the API
  • Navigate to APIs & Services -> Oauth consent screen
    • Add your Youtube account to the Test users
    • You do NOT need to set your application to Production status
  • Navigate to APIs & Services -> Credentials
      • OAuth client ID
      • Application Type: Web application
      • Set name
      • Add Authorized redirect URIs from your Config page
        • This part is tricky. The Redirect URI must use a valid TLD like .com / .net / etc. Your URL cannot end with .local. If you are hosting on your local network, just create a fake /etc/hosts entry to a fake .com. Something like should work fine. Navigate to this fake entry to get the proper Redirect URI.
        • The Redirect URI needs to be the full URL:
        • The /etc/hosts entry should be created on the workstation running the browser based authorization process.
          • Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
        • You only need to use the fake URL during the OAuth2 authorization process. Once that is complete, you may use your normal URL.
      • Create
      • Download JSON credentials
  • In the Config tab in indi-allsky, add the file location to the client-secrets.json file.
  • Save config
  • Click Authorize button to start the OAuth2 process. You will have to select your Youtube account and sign-in to authorize indi-allsky to upload to your Youtube account. You may have to approve the Multi-factor requests on your mobile device as well.
    • Assuming everything is setup correctly, you will see a very scary warning because your Google Cloud Platform application is not approved. Click Advanced and proceed with the approval.
    • At this point, you are more likely to see problems.
      • If your URL does not end in a real TLD, you will receive a vague error.
      • If your Redirect URI does not match what was used in the credential setup, you will receive a redirect_uri error.


Once you enable uploads, you may click the Upload to YouTube button in the video viewer view to upload individual videos.

Uploads should start within 15-20 seconds of clicking the button. The amount of time required depends on your Internet connection upload speed.

The indi-allsky capture service must be running for uploads to complete.


Every API call incurs a quota cost (not a monetary cost). Most accounts start with a quota allocation of 10,000 units. Uploading a video incurs a 1600 quota point cost. You should be able to upload 6 videos per day with the default quota.


The initial implementation allows you to upload individual timelapses (and startrail timelapses) to Youtube. All videos are not automatically uploaded. I can add an option to upload all videos to Youtube automatically if there is enough interest.

Common problems

Some users will have their videos marked as locked as private preventing the videos from ever being set as Public. There is no workaround for this.

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