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👋 Hi there, It's Aryan 👋

☄️ To Infinite, To Infinite ☄️

🔭 I’m currently working on:

📦 My Archived Projects:

💓 I love to spend my life while:

  • Making
  • Automating (It's obvious if you check my projects)
  • Learning
  • Writing (Poem/Book)
  • Messing with Math and Riddles (check some here)
  • Drawing Logos and Concepts
  • Listening Music
  • Taking Picture
  • Do Things I Love
  • Making World Better
  • Being a Badass
  • Being with Friends
  • Being

🌱 I’m currently learning:

  • Pro Python (Stepping from Junior to Senior)
  • Rust
  • Web Technologies (Planning to learn NodeJS, Deno, React, React Native, Electron)
  • Django
  • Flutter
  • C# + Unity
  • PyTorch
  • Unix Programming
  • Java + AWT + swing (For University Sake)
  • Trillium Wonderful App

👨‍💻 I want to collaborate on:

  • 💌Lighthouse
  • 🔐CryptoCut
  • 🌊Ocean Project (a project to make modern set of tools for those nobody dare to touch, an alternative package to coreutils, a python-like cross-platform shell, a package manager to mix shells and their "Oh-My-"s and wayyy more!)

And some more...

🤔 I’m looking for help with:

  • Container technologies (Docker, Kubernetes, why to use them? and ...)
  • Quantum Secure encryption methods
  • A good route to Quantum Computing
  • CI and Github Actions
  • Python best way to make a package and control dependency (I know poetry)
  • Cryptocurrencies technologies and Blockchain
  • Github culture and Using Git like a pro
  • Manufacturing products in scale (e.g.: keyboard)
  • Game Loop
  • Solidworks and Catia
  • Color theory, Typography, UX, UI and all these arty stuff we developers usually can't do 😂
  • Making UWP apps with Acrylic background in C#
  • How to use Microsoft Reunion

💬 Ask me about:

  • Ways to optimize your business technological spending decisions (btw, this one may always not be a question with a free answer to get!)
  • Python Programming, anything, I know it or not, worth the try!
  • BashScripting and PowerShell
  • I know some tools located in deep dungeons of internet, I may know anything 😈, good news, I won't terminate people who just ask me question!

📚 Technologies I'm fairly good in:

Python Badge My main focus is Python, Im pythoning for 5 years, since secondary school, just after I learnt vb and, it's simplicity, great and vast packages in many fields (including AI, data-science, automation and etc), awesome zen and syncness (usually), portability of code, powerful stdlib, and impowering vibe to go and do things, is what made me love it, yes, it's among one of the slowest widely used programming languages out there, yes it's bdfl is no more there, yes it has no good way to make good games, mobile apps or even good UI (which was a huge pain for me cause I always tried and landed to awful results) and yes new updates sometimes are not as focused and solid and without that bold python identity these days, but I believe even if it won't be a part of future, it will influence it, as perl did, great languages in their time, never die, atleast I dont remember any example!

Emotional talks and Python introduction beside, I did many projects with python (maryam, easylogger, cryptocut and ...), meanwhile I'm planning to learn faster and more recent pg-langs, and even planning to gather some knowledge to make one (!), most of my resume is python, I worked with a billion python package, some of them which I remember is listed below:

(I show my percentage of knowledge in them with star, one star means I just used them once or twice, two stars means I used them and dig them and 3 stars mean I developed them, or I used them alot):

  • Alot of std-lib (sys, os, subprocess, regex, collection, enum, getpass, sqlite, socket ...)
  • TUI
    • art ★★☆
    • colorful ★★★
    • fire ★★★
    • npyscreen ★☆☆
    • ncurses ★☆☆
  • Game
    • pygame ★☆☆
    • turtle ★☆☆
  • GUI
    • pysciter ★☆☆
    • pyside2 ★★☆
    • pyside6 ★☆☆
    • PySimpleGui ★☆☆
    • remi ★☆☆
    • PyGObject ★☆☆
    • enaml ★☆☆
    • toga ★★☆
    • tkinter ★★☆
    • notify2 ★★☆
  • GUI Automation
    • pyautogui ★★☆
    • pynput ★☆☆
  • Python Alternative Engines
    • nuitka ★☆☆
    • pypy ★☆☆
  • Scientific, Plotting and High Speed Computation
    • numpy ★☆☆
    • scipy ★☆☆
    • sympy ★☆☆
    • matplotlib ★☆☆
    • dash ★☆☆
    • pytorch ★☆☆
    • tensorflow ★☆☆
    • neataptic ★☆☆
  • DataBase
    • mongodb ★☆☆
    • sqlalchemy ★☆☆
  • Internet and Sockets
    • ftplib ★☆☆
    • request ★★☆
    • socket and ★☆☆
    • pytube ★★☆
    • pySmartDL ★☆☆
    • fping ★☆☆
  • Serialization and Interapplication Data Exchange
    • memcached ★★☆
    • marshal ★★☆
    • pickle ★★☆
    • json ★☆☆
  • Any Other?
    • easylogger ★★★
    • cryptography ★☆☆
    • appdirs ★★★
    • arrow ★☆☆

ShellScript Badge Bash may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but for sure its the BEST-SELLER (well sorta, ancient sh is installed on more systems, for sure, cause Linus Torvalds et al love compability), It can do many stuff, it's fast, it's installed on nearly any distro you download and many problems? yep I guess just from here problems start, security issues, Apple changing default to zsh, fish killing them all in some feature and no support for objects?! well there is no extra juice anymore! what I know about it is how to pipe, tee, move and overwrite and append stdout and stderr, how to check history and how to stop sth from being added to it, some problematic if situations and how to avoid, I read some parts of bash's code in C. also I have a cool but at near to end of life project called as aa-script, but Im planning for a cross-shell successor to it, and maybe a super big compiled kit not just shell-script but something more, to get way more with collabrating with people who have dream of a better coreutils and shell (with python, rust and go), wait for it for now!

Linux Badge I'm into linux for a long-time, actually for so long that I passed my fanboy age 😂 but I still love it, it's a powerful piece of os-kernel, I was and am a Linux user these days in WSL, and the only thing I miss is, well, KDE, more security, yakuake and guake, virtmanager and good qemu performance with kvm, stability and modularity to change things and look and feel, opening ext4 and btrfs drives, native support for git, installing things with typing, 100 extra GBs free on my SSD and ..., but Windows had features and wsl were good so I'm Windows :), I love the chemistry of linux, how it can revive old devices, impower great servers, you can recompile it in a way which dont load CD drivers if you dont have CD drives, and every problem is fixable, just sometimes it's very hard, and your system wont get slower with uptime increase, atleast not with windows slope, I worked with many distros (arch, ubuntu, kali, mxlinux, zorin, deepin, fedora, gentoo, ...), and many DEs (KDE💓, LXQT with and without kwin, XFCE, LXDE, GNOME, ...), compiled kernel, installed Nvidia driver (👏), and have some understanding of a Linux system pieces, commands, and file tree. I did LPIC1 course but never participated in exam due to financial issues, and Im currently working on daemons and systemctl deep understanding and programming, as well as ANSI escape codes, with focus on colors (because halify); what else, hmmmmmmm, btw I use arch!!!

Powershell Badge These days I say I love Microsoft technologies alot and I want to repeat it, I love powershell, long semantic commands with short abbreviations friendly to end-user and readable in scripts, good stores and fine support of doing things, just like other good shells, keeping aliases track, great man pages, cross-platform, great windows support that enhance your productivity, it's just good, for the right task, just those damn progress bars that break into your text are really irritating, it can be super slow to start sometimes, and it's still a windows thingy, so no posix or unix, no ncurses, and many other no that you gonna face, also hyperfast project which turn ON/OFF some system features is written 100% with Posh! also the installer is not complete yet but you can use it right now, if you try hard enough!

Windows Badge As you may know, Microsoft strategy to kill Linux is dead for a while and now it's a perfume in hands of Microsoft, to be sprayed on anything, windows with WSL, azure with server OS, and not just Linux but open-source idea overall is, Microsoft has one of the biggest open-source Github repos, and now it even own Github itself, so they host me in here (Hi 👋😂), they made vscode which is a great and free (as in freedom and price - mostly) and it's quite fascinating for a company which made fud about these all before, while I use both Windows and Linux, these days I keep Windows with WSL in my new laptop, I love what Windows is becoming, it's way more developer friendly, has a great Linux implemention and with being copycat added some great features of Linux (multiple virtual desktops, workspaces of kde, clipboard, modularizing, some shell ideas, ...), it's faster and less laggy than before, it doesn't blast you with BSoD (yet still can die with a simple ransomware), it's not unix and posix I know but you can use them in it and win11 took implementing WSL to a next level, still needs a bunch of restart in updates and settings changes, still short uptime is considered a better thing here, but I think Linux should learn some stuff from microsoft as well, for example giving more GUI for settings, better env var managing and maybe, just maybe, standardize its configs like registries, just as files in etc, and not that inconsistencies and mess of one reg killed system, about Graphics which is a big Linux issue, I think it's not a blame on Linux, more on Nvidia (fuck Nvidia minus their AI teams) but Xorg and Xserver refactor slow and partly dead process is a blame on Linux desktop developers community, and it may not be the place but some stuff both are awful in, for example containing a good unified store for apps/packages.

Ok talks beside what I know; I have an overall understanding of how Windows treat files, Windows settings, I'm currently studying services and terminal colors because of my projects servicify and halify, I have some projects to enhance Windows experience exclusively, rockstart and hyperfast, I have some experience with windows registers and dlls, .net and xaml, and importing asm files. I follow microsoft reunion project and windows features, I wish to see kvm one day, there, and I actually wish one day microsoft make a Gnu/Linux version of Windows with full exe support, that day would be really happy for me, also that day pigs will fly into sky. I really don't know how to express what I know about an OS maybe because any OS is a collection of many smaller parts, maybe because I don't know anything, for example I have barely any idea about windows certificates as both technical and normal term!

📃 Technologies I know:

C++ Badge I used C++ for multiple short periods of time and thats why I'm not great in it, because I did my job and exited, and consistency and continuity is the key to learning. My best project with cpp is a nice ascii art 2048 game that I call it 0x800 which is 2048 in hexadecimal radix and a mathematical high-school math app for android and iOS with C++Builder (Riazidan), that I'm trying to make them both more cross platform and upload them in my github, I'm good but not expert in it, I don't know many advance topics yet, e.g.:

  • Up-casting and Down-casting
  • Effective use of GDB
  • Deep understanding of object files
  • Knowledge about complex gcc flags
  • make, cmake, ctest, cdash
  • Being fluent in OOP
  • Sequence points in depth
  • Memory alignment in depth
  • Activation frames
  • vtables in depth
  • Using external libraries, like boost and Antlr

but on the other hand I know what I don't know and I will learn it sooner or later, and I'm still learning, we shall not stop 😎.

Rust Badge I'm using Rust as my most recent attempt to try other programming languages to expand my knowledge and get ideas of how to do things better, Rust is a pretty language, which can become way better, I really miss features like

  • Deafult function values
  • goto
  • Straight forward OOP with classes
  • Not be forced to type mut in definition of nearly each and every var
  • Normal exceptions system, which let you ignore possible errors, without even thinking to it :) !
  • Ease of Python interfacing (PyO3 is good, but not great)
  • Not to fix any problem in pglang with a macro :) !!!

from C++ and I feel cargo without cargo-edit is hard to be used and they should merge these projects together, but on the other hand, Rust is:

  • Single brain development, not a collection of billions of standard with billions of compilers which support a partition of those standards each
  • Recently made for recent concerns
  • Fans, which develop useful packages like wildfire
  • Macros which won't make awful bugs normally
  • Memory safty
  • One package-manager, Offical, and Done-well
  • Faster and easier multi-platform development compared to C and CPP
  • rustup, rustc and cargo combination is way more sensible compared to gcc/tcc/llvm-clang/Intel-cpp/... and cmake/conan/cpm/... combination (I mentioned once, but it's so important to me I mentioned it again)

Right now, my goal for Rust is to make one of the best CLI 2048 games in it, and maybe later on port halify to (or write it ground up in) Rust

Java Badge It's around 6 months that I put a huge effort into learning java for our university courses (tbh, i hate java because outputs always feel like RAM hungry toys, even famous companies products like Jetbrains IDEs while they are among best of bests in java world or Weka and etc, and It's both because how it works and how it handles GUI, which I HATE both), I know it's OOP and philosophy very well and I love OOP friendly vibe that you can code in peace, simply design patterns and structure and then execute, I can use it's stdlib fine, and for sake of making simple UIs I can work with swing and awt and all overriding stuff. I always used Intellij IDEA and I have no experience with eclipse, But I don't know:

  • Maven
  • Android Programming
  • Networking
  • Some swing advance topics
  • java cmd switches
  • I lack experience of reading good java projects code

QT Badge I'm a QT huge fan, end-user (I always use KDE as my DE in linux) and libraries user, both in C++ and Python, in Python in all forms of PySide, PySide2, PySide6, PyQT5, enaml, and PySimpleGUI, right now I'm using it for CryptoCut project which is an end-user game changer for increasing privacy, I have many books about it and I'm progressing into its huge world of nice elements, millions of way to do one thing, and clear licensings and business models, for sure last one is said sarcastically!

👨‍💻 Technologies I can use:

Programming Languages:

V Badge D Badge vb6 Badge Badge .NET Badge Kotlin Badge C# Badge C Badge

Web Front:

HTML Badge CSS Badge

JS Stack:

Javascript Badge TypeScript JSON Badge npm Badge


Git Badge GitHub Badge GitLab Badge Selenium Badge


Sqlite Badge


NumPy Badge Pandas Badge PyTorch Badge TensorFlow Badge Jupyter Badge OpenCV Badge

Networking/Protocols: Badge Tor Badge


AVR Badge Arduino Badge Raspberry-Pi Badge ESP8266-Boards Badge


Illustrator Badge Photoshop Badge XD Badge

Office Family (Writing/Presenting):

Markdown Badge Prezi Badge Notion Badge Microsoft Visio Badge Microsoft Excel Badge Microsoft PowerPoint Badge Microsoft Word Badge


Termux API

👀 Technologies I have under vision:

Programming Languages:

Swift Badge R Badge Flutter Badge

JS Stack:

Deno Badge Nodejs Badge Electron Badge React Badge React Native Badge

Web Back:

Flask Badge Django Badge


CircleCI Badge TravisCI Badge Gitlab CI Badge GitHub Actions Badge Docker Badge Kubernetes Badge


MongoDB Badge

3D and Game:

Unity Badge Blender Badge OpenGL Badge

UI/UX Design:

Figma Badge


AWS Badge Google Cloud Badge


CMake Badge

⚡ Fun fact:
  • I couldn't write a single sentence here without default Github Suggestions, commented in ✨Special file!
  • I don't have my official resume and blog posts here yet, why? cause I don't have any of them!
  • Ok, OK, fine a real joke! (Refresh, for more!)

Jokes Card

😎 Some cool and fancy info:

My Github Trophies

Github Trophy

My Github Stats and Streaks

My github statistics My languages Streaks
Peace's github stats Top Langs aarmn

📫 How to reach me:

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