#AdultUCI- Income Analysis # AssociativeRuleMining
#Final output of the analysis in my created Shiny App link attached below, explore and play with it: https://aangre-dataanalytics.shinyapps.io/SHINY_SUBMIT/
#This project is an analysis on the AdultUCI dataset which comes with arules package, it follows the CRISP-DM process for
- Data exploration and Descriptive statistics – Data preprocessing, cleaning, transformation – Runs association rule mining algorithm using default settings – Finally, Fine tuning the model by experimenting with different algorithm parameters – Outputting and presenting the most interesting and significant rules which could predict “income” – Provides interpretations of the above chosen association rules and discusses why these rules are considered interesting and significant
#The final result of this experiment is hosted on Shiny App and can be viewed by redirecting to the URL posted Line 4