Starting point for grunt projects
You should work in the app directory, and not the generated public directory. Grunt will generate the public directory with all sass and js files minified and combined.
cd project
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
All task are controlled from the aliases.yaml file located in the grunt folder.
##Grunt Tasks The followin grunt tasks are available
to run the default tasks below
- clean
- bower-install-simple
- concat
- newer:sass
- newer:jshint
- newer:uglify
- newer:sprite
grunt server
to run a local test server
- connect:default
- open:default:livereload
- watch
grunt docs
to generate styleguides for css, and the create a local server for viewing them
- clean:docs
- newer:sass:app
- styleguide
- connect:docs
grunt bower
to install bower components
- bower-install-simple
##Grunt Bump Use grunt bump to update the package version and create a new git tag read docs
##Using Twitter Bootstrap
If you would like to add bootstrap to your project add the following to assets/sass/main.scss
@import 'bower_components/sass-bootstrap/lib/bootstrap';
##Using Bourbon and Neat
If you would like to use bourbon or neat add the following to assets/sass/main.scss
@import 'bower_components/bourbon/dist/_bourbon';
@import 'bower_components/neat/app/assets/stylesheets/_neat';
##Sprites Grunt will combine all png images located in the app/assets/sprites folder the sprite image that this generates will be moved in to public/assets/imgs/sprite.png to use the sprites inside your project make sure you import the _sprites.scss file in to main.scss.