- Currently learning more about: Storage Engines, Database internals.
- Currently working on:
- Articles: in my blog
⚙️ Open Source Tools
- DeepEye: A CLI written in GO for advanced search queries on large files.
🧠 Data Science/AI
- Leaffliction: Computer vision for plant leaf disease analysis.
- Gomoku: A strong Gomoku player engine.
- Total-perspective-Vortex: Brain-computer interface using EEG data and ML.
- ft-linear-regression: Linear regression price predictor in Python.
- DSLR: Logistic regression student class predictor in Python.
🧩 Algorithms Implementation
- n-puzzle-js: A*/BFS/DFS for solving N-sized slide puzzles with React UI.
- n-puzzle: Python implementation for solving slide puzzles.
- computer-v1: Parser for mathematical equations in JavaScript.
- fillit: Tetris piece fitting engine in C using backtracking.
- fractols: Fractals and mathematical sets implemented in C.
- libFt: Core C functions re-implemented from scratch.
- libft-but-rusty: Core C functions re-implemented in Rust.
🌐 Web Apps
- Bus-Route-Planner - مخطط مسار الحافلة: streamline student transportation management. It generates optimized bus routes, organizes station stops with precise timings, and manages subscriptions for students and their guardians.
- RED-TETRIS: Online multiplayer Tetris game with React and Node.js.
- Matcha: Tinder-like web app using Node.js and MySQL.
- Camagru: Instagram-like web app with PHP and MySQL.
- TODO-APP-TDD: Task manager following Test-Driven Development.
📱Mobile Apps
- 3d Protein: 3D protein visualization from PDB files with UI controls.
- swifty_companion: App to retrieve 42 Network student data via API.
- ft_hangouts: Android app for contact and text management.
🔐 Security
- Rainfall: Reverse engineering and executable exploitation.
- Override: Reverse engineering and executable exploitation.
- Boot-2-root: Hacking ISO and servers.
- snow-crash: Cybersecurity challenges in various fields.
🚢 DevOps Lab
- inception-of-things: CI/CD deployment using Kubernetes for learning.
⛏️ Data Scraping/Analysis
- QuickScrapper: Custom dynamic e-commerce web scraper in Python.