supportScroll for headless navigator
So I saved a website offline (sitesucker) and trying to convert the webpages to PDF's using the WKHTMLTOPDF library using command lines.
I found out with some JS that WKHTMLTO PDF's headless navigator support sscroll events.
Navigator: Netscape
App version: 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) Qt/4.8.7 Safari/534.34
App codename: Mozilla
Platform: MacIntel
Scroll support: true
This of course gives me the problem of images not being loaded...
So I tried hardcoding the supportScroll
in the loader
var supportScroll = false; // ('onscroll' in window) && !(/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent));
This seems to work in Firefox, the images have the classes changed to lazyautosizes
and lazyloaded
and the low res images are replaced.
Using the WKHTMLTOPDF's the full res images out of the viewport are NOT loaded.
Same using Safari, the images out the viewport are not replaced!