Automatically checks the status of a queue after appointment intent
If you are in the queue waiting a free slot for an appointment in the Russian consulate, you must check the status of the queue at least once a day, which means enter the page with your order number and code and see if free slots are available. Once you stop entering the page daily, they remove your order from the queue and you have to start the process once again.
This bot is designed to make the iterative checking process automatic and get the first nearest timeslot. If success, you will get an email from the consulate with the information about your appointment.
Tesseract OCR is used to recognize captcha digits. It should be installed on the machine. For Windows, see the installation instructons here Then in file indicate the path to Tesseract.
Python 3.11
The script was depeloped and tested in Windows Anaconda environment for the consulate in Madrid
git clone
install requirements in conda or pip virtual environment
execute the following command, where:
--subdomain is the city of the consulate
--order_id is the number of the order assigned when you applied for the appointment for the first time (номер заявки)
--code is the security code of the order (защитный код)
--every_hour how often the bot will repeat the check: minimal interval is 1 hour, default is 2 hours. It is not recommended to check the page too often not to generate suspisious behaviour.
python --subdomain madrid --order_id 123610 --code 7AE8EFCC --every_hours 3
- execute in background mode:
python --subdomain madrid --order_id 123610 --code 7AE8EFCC --every_hours 3 > output.txt &
The logs are saved in queue.log
Option to send info about existing appointments without taking it.
User Interface
Telegram bot