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@Minoru Minoru tagged this 30 Aug 14:46
- Add `Hakyll.Web.Html.demoteHeaderBy` function, which demotes an HTML header by
    a given amount (contribution by Logan McGrath)
- Add `Hakyll.Core.Rules.forceCompile` modifier which forces re-compilation of
    an item even if its file wasn't modified. This is useful for data sources
    which aren't local files (contribution by Fraser Tweedale)
- Add `Hakyll.Web.Tags.getTagsByField` which extracts tags from a given field
    instead of the default "tags" field (contribution by Jim McStanton and
    Alexander Batischev)
- Add `Hakyll.Core.Configuration.shouldWatchIgnore` function and the
    corresponding `watchIgnore` field for `Configuration`. These are used to
    ignore files in watch mode, which is useful when certain files are
    pre-processed and the results are saved into the provider directory
    (contribution by Aron Erben)
- Add `Hakyll.Web.Meta` modules `JSONLD`, `OpenGraph`, and `TwitterCard`. These
    help with semantic web metadata in pages. This adds dependency on `aeson`
    (contribution by Fraser Tweedale)
- Export `Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio.unCSL` function (contribution by Benjamin
- Make the runtime concurrent, which brings 30% speedups on real-world sites.
    This adds dependencies on `array` and `lifted-async`. Please note that it
    doesn't scale past the number of physical cores; ideas are welcome in (contribution by
    Laurent P. René de Cotret and Vaibhav Sagar)
- Fix binary's name in the first tutorial (contribution by Alexander Batischev)
- Fix "Empty 'do' block" error in GitHub tutorial (contribution by
- Move #hakyll IRC channel from Freenode to Libera.Chat (by Alexander Batischev
    and henk)
- Replace dependency on `cryptonite` and `memory` with dependency on `hashable`
    (contribution by Laurent P. René de Cotret)
- Bump `file-embed` upper bound to 0.0.15 (contribution by Alexander Batischev)
- Bump `optparse-applicative` upper bound to 0.16 (contribution by Felix Yan)
- Bump `pandoc` upper bound to 2.14 (contribution by Laurent P. René de Cotret)
- Bump `tasty` upper bound to 1.4 (contribution by Felix Yan)
- Bump `template-haskell` upper bound to 2.17, which is shipped with GHC 9
    (contribution by Alexander Batischev)
- Bump `time` upper bound to 1.11 (contribution by Alexander Batischev)
Assets 2