- The script can solve unworking headphone jack.
- It sends command:
hda-verb 0xNode SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0xVerbs
to activate headphone jack. hda-verb
is originally from a command ofalsa-project
in linux. Its function is to send HD-audio commands.
- Run the following command in Terminal:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daliansky/XiaoMi-Pro/master/ALCPlugFix/one-key-alcplugfix.sh)"
- When it's done, restart your computer. The installation now completes.
ATTENTION: You may have to replug the headphone after every boot to let headphone work.
Thanks to goodwin and Menchen for providing and maintaining ALCPlugFix.
Thanks to Keven Lefebvre for updating the script.