- -h
Print the synopsis to standard output and exit.
- -v
Print the version information to standard output and exit.
- -n
Ignore mapping notify events.
Timeout in seconds for the recording of chord chains.
Read the main configuration from the given file.
Redirect the commands output to the given file.
Output status information to the given FIFO.
Set the maximum frequency for motion events.
Each line of the configuration file is interpreted as so:
If it is empty or starts with
, it is ignored. -
If it starts with a space, it is read as a command.
Otherwise, it is read as a hotkey.
General syntax:
The valid modifier names are: super, hyper, meta, alt, control, ctrl, shift, mode_switch, lock, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4 and mod5.
The keysym names are given by the output of xev.
Hotkeys and commands can be spread across multiple lines by ending each partial line with a backslash character.
When multiple chords are separated by semicolons, the hotkey is a chord chain: the command will only be executed after receiving each chord of the chain in consecutive order.
The colon character can be used instead of the semicolon to indicate that the chord chain shall not be aborted when the chain tail is reached. In which case, the Escape key can be used to manually abort the chain.
The previously mentioned keysym prefixes have the following effects:
- @
The command will be run on key release events.
- !
The command will be run on motion notify events and must contain two integer conversion specifications which will be replaced by the x and y coordinates of the pointer relative to the root window referential (the only valid button keysyms for this type of hotkeys are: button1, …, button5).
- ~
The captured event will be replayed for the other clients.
- /
The command will only be executed if the pointer is above the root window.
Mouse hotkeys can be defined by using one of the following special keysym names: button1, button2, button3, …, button24.
The hotkey and the command may contain sequences of the form {STRING_1,…,STRING_N}.
In addition, the sequences can contain ranges of the form A-Z where A and Z are alphanumeric characters.
The underscore character represents an empty sequence element.
What is actually executed is SHELL -c COMMAND, which means you can use environment variables in COMMAND.
SHELL will be the content of the first defined environment variable in the following list: SXHKD_SHELL, SHELL.
If sxhkd receives a SIGUSR1 signal, it will reload its configuration file.
If no configuration file is specified via the -c option, the following is used: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/sxhkdrc.
XF86Audio{Prev,Next} mpc -q {prev,next} @XF86LaunchA scrot -s -e 'image_viewer $f' super + shift + equal sxiv -rt "$HOME/image" XF86LaunchB xdotool selectwindow | xsel -bi super + {h,j,k,l} bspc window -f {left,down,up,right} super + alt + {0-9} mpc -q seek {0-9}0% super + {alt,ctrl,alt + ctrl} + XF86Eject sudo systemctl {suspend,reboot,poweroff} ~button1 bspc pointer -g focus super + button{1-3} bspc pointer -g {move,resize_side,resize_corner} super + !button{1-3} bspc pointer -t %i %i super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l} bspc window {-f,-s} {left,down,up,right} {_,shift + ,super + }XF86MonBrightness{Down,Up} bright {-1,-10,min,+1,+10,max} super + o ; {e,w,m} {gvim,firefox,thunderbird} super + alt + control + {h,j,k,l} ; {0-9} bspc window -e {left,down,up,right} 0.{0-9} super + alt + p bspc config focus_follows_pointer {true,false}