produces semi-random music created by Youngeon Lee
aims to create music with structured randomness, using a bit of music theory.
to display the music created by this program, Midiutil library ( was utilized to creat a midi file
main(name='test', length=4, chrd_prg=['C','Am','F','G'], note_lengths={1:1,.5:1}, neg_harm=True)
name(str): name of the midi file
length(even int): length ideas(4 measures)
chrd_prg(str[] with length 4): chord has to be either 'C', 'Dm', 'Em', 'F', 'G', or 'Am'
note_lengths({note_length: weight}): note_length 1 represents quaternote, 0.5 represents eighted notes and so on... weights decide how often they are used (higher means more)
neg_harm(boolean): if True, the second half of the piece is the first converted into negative harmony
returns name of the saved file