A set of tools to build and deploy type-safe microservices. In order to see a working example of these tools, check out Swarmion template.
This project is composed of the following packages:
- @swarmion/serverless-contracts: generate and use type-safe contracts in your Serverless microservices (view on npm)
- @swarmion/serverless-plugin: a Serverless plugin to safely deploy microservices (view on npm)
- @swarmion/eslint-plugin: an eslint plugin with rules to enforces proper usage of contracts (view on npm)
- @swarmion/nx-plugin: an Nx plugin to simplify modules generation (view on npm)
- @swarmion/serverless-cdk-plugin: a Serverless plugin to deploy CDK constructs (view on npm)
Swarmion user documentation lives in the user docs folder. It is deployed and accessible on https://www.swarmion.dev.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon
Swarmion is sponsored by Theodo.
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