Built with Python + Flask
Create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start, execute
FLASK_APP=app/main.py flask run
Install jq using apt-get (or other package tools)
sudo apt-get install jq
Create dummy image
echo test > test.jpg
Register user
./scripts/register.sh username password
Upload private image
Remeber the location of the redirect
And note the body of the image should be same as what was echoed.
./scripts/upload.sh test.jpg username password
View the image again (replace image name with the name in previous output)
./scripts/upload.sh bV8aCl7V9b1YFEPxsVwmqx.jpg username password
Verify the image is private. The command should return "access not permitted"
./scripts/upload.sh bV8aCl7V9b1YFEPxsVwmqx.jpg
Delete the image
./scripts/delete.sh bV8aCl7V9b1YFEPxsVwmqx.jpg username password
Verify the image is deleted. The command should return "image does not exist"
./scripts/upload.sh bV8aCl7V9b1YFEPxsVwmqx.jpg username password