Also show multiple consecutive spaces.
Also show multiple consecutive spaces.
Use a habamax as low contrast colorscheme for writing prose, etc.
Use a habamax as low contrast colorscheme for writing prose, etc.
Fix some formating problems with vimrc-full.
Fix some formating problems with vimrc-full.
Add file missed while committing the fuzzyy plugin.
Add file missed while committing the fuzzyy plugin.
Disable netrw, it collides with NERTree and Fuzzyy.
Disable netrw, it collides with NERTree and Fuzzyy.
Also bind ctrl+space to trigger Supertab ins console mode.
Also bind ctrl+space to trigger Supertab ins console mode.
Nutze den modifyOtherKeys Mode 2 in tmux.
Nutze den modifyOtherKeys Mode 2 in tmux.
Bite the bullet and finally add the vim-tmux-mnavigator.
Bite the bullet and finally add the vim-tmux-mnavigator.
Move wordcount from <leader>c to the statusbar.
Move wordcount from <leader>c to the statusbar.
Don't reset 'updatetime' to 2000 milliseconds.
Don't reset 'updatetime' to 2000 milliseconds.
vimcomplete should imitate Vims default behavior when adding newlines.
vimcomplete should imitate Vims default behavior when adding newlines.
Port the vimrc-project to vim9script.
Port the vimrc-project to vim9script.
Use the Kitty Keyboard Protocol when running under Alacritty.
Use the Kitty Keyboard Protocol when running under Alacritty.
Sync the README with reality and bump the minimal version to Vim 9.
Sync the README with reality and bump the minimal version to Vim 9.
Force push
Integrate 'asynccomplete' and 'asynccomplete-lsp' into 'languageserver'.
Integrate 'asynccomplete' and 'asynccomplete-lsp' into 'languageserver'.
Sync the README with reality and bump the minimal version to Vim 9.1.
Sync the README with reality and bump the minimal version to Vim 9.1.
Add vimcomplete bugfixes and update the configuration.
Add vimcomplete bugfixes and update the configuration.
Enable baloon popups, vim9-lsp can make use of them.
Enable baloon popups, vim9-lsp can make use of them.
Force push
First round of config alterations for LSP.
First round of config alterations for LSP.
Force push