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Stringent Quantitation of Unspliced Intron by Deep-sequencing


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SQUID: Stringent Quantitation of Unspliced Intron by Deep-sequencing


  1. Install Python 2.7.x, NumPy 1.8.0 and SciPy 0.15.1
  2. Install pysam 0.8.4
  3. Install STAR_2.5.2b for the run without alignment files provided. The star index of human and mouse can be downloaded through the following link
  4. Install kallisto 0.43.0 for the run without FPKM files provided. The kallisto index of human and mouse can be downloaded throught the following link
  5. Install cufflinks 2.2.1 for the fun without FPKM and fastq files provided.
  6. Install DEXSeq 1.16.10 to run differential spliced intron analysis


The source code can be directly called from Python.


Run SQUID with provided fastq files

python ../ --GTF ./test.gtf  --fastq ./test_R1_1.fq:./test_R1_2.fq,./test_R2_1.fq:./test_R2_2.fq,./control_R1_1.fq:./control_R1_2.fq,./control_R2_1.fq:./control_R2_2.fq --check_len true --index_kallisto ./kallisto/test --index_star ./star --anchor 8 --length 100 --lib first --read P --Cal All  --c1 0.05  --p 1 --Comparison ./Comparison --analysis U -o ./bam1 --resume true

Please note that this run require high RAM due to STAR alignment

Run SQUID with provided alignment files and fastq files

python ../ --GTF ./test.gtf  --fastq ./test_R1_1.fq:./test_R1_2.fq,./test_R2_1.fq:./test_R2_2.fq,./control_R1_1.fq:./control_R1_2.fq,./control_R2_1.fq:./control_R2_2.fq --align ./test_R1.bam,./test_R2.bam,./control_R1.bam,./control_R2.bam --check_len true --index_kallisto ./kallisto/test  --anchor 8 --length 100 --lib first --read P --Cal All  --c1 0.05  --p 1 --Comparison ./Comparison --analysis U -o ./bam2

Run SQUID with provided alignment files and FPKM files

python ../ --GTF ./test.gtf --align ./test_R1.bam,./test_R2.bam,./control_R1.bam,./control_R2.bam --FPKM transcript_exp.txt --anchor 8 --length 100 --lib unstrand --read P --Cal All  --c1 0.05  --p 1 --Comparison ./Comparison --analysis U -o ./bam3

Required Parameters

	s1.bam/s1.sam[,s2.bam/s2.sam]. Mapping results for all of samples in bam/sam format. Different samples are separated by commas
	The gtf file
	s1_1.fq[:s1_2.fq][,s1_1.fq[:s2_2.fq],...]. The raw sequencing reads in fastq or fastq format that is required to call kallisto to calculate FPKM value
	The path to the star index that is required to do the alignment using STAR

Optional Parameters

            A file providing the FPKM value for each sample, the first column is transcript ID with the following column being the FPKM value for each sample. If it is not provided, kallisto will be called to calculate FPKM value
            The path to the kallisto index that is required to run kallisto from raw reads
	The output directory. The default is current directory
	Whether to generate new fastq files to with equal read length. The default value is false
	Estimated average fragment length. The parameter to run kallisto with default value of 200
	Estimated standard deviation of fragment length. The parameter to run kallisto with default value of 100
	Whether to update the attributes of introns using spliced reads. The default is false
	The library type with choices of unstrand/first/second. The details are explained in the parameter of library-type in tophat2. The default is unstrand
	The sequencing strategy of producing reads with choices of P(paired end) or S (single end). The default is P
	The read length of sequencing reads in nucleotide. The default length is 100
	The anchor length in nucleotide. The program will only count reads spanning junctions with at least this anchor length on each side. The default is 8
	Which  part of the program user choose to run, the choices are All/count/DSI. All means run the whole program, count means only run the PI value calculation part, DSI means only run the differential analysis of spliced introns. The default is All
	A file providing the sample pairs to calculate the differential RI level.The format should be column 1(name of comparions), column 2 (sample 1 order in the align files,replicates separated by commas), column 3 (sample 2 order in the align files,replicates separated by commas), column 4 (optional, if present as 'pool', the replicates are combined together in rMATS calculation). If absent, the step of calculation of differential spliced introns  will be skipped
	Type of rMATS analysis to perform. analysisType is either P or U. P is for paired analysis and U is for unpaired analysis. Default is U
	The cutoff of splicing difference of rMATS run using Junction method. The cutoff used in the null hypothesis test for differential splicing. The default is 0.0001
	The number of threads used to run rMATS. The default is 1;
	The cutoff of delta to output differential spliced introns.The default is 0.05;
	The cutoff of combined FDR to output differential spliced introns.The default is 0.1;
	Whether to resume previous run. The default is false.

Types of PI (Percent of Introns) Calculation

	Inclusion counts divided by the sum of inclusion and  skipping junction counts
	The observed counts divided by the expected counts of the intron

Output list

Notes: $n denotes the number of samples provided in SQUID run

###Result### The folder contains the final output of four types of files: intron_PI.txt, Diff_$comparison_intron_PI.txt, Decrease_$comparison_intron_PI.txt,Increase_$comparison_intron_PI.txt.

$comparison denotes the label of comparison performed

	intron_PI.txt is the file containing the info of annotated introns
	Diff_$comparison_intron_PI.txt containing the differential spliced introns info of all annotated introns
	Decrease_$comparison_intron_PI.txt containing the differential spliced introns info of the introns with decreased PI in sample2 
	Increase_$comparison_intron_PI.txt containing the differential spliced introns info of the introns with increased PI in sample2

Common columns in all files:

	Intron_id:         Intron Id representing the chromosome position, start and end
	Gene_id:           Gene id of intron residing genes
	Strand:            Strand of intron residing genes
	Chr:               Chromosome name of introns
	Start:             Start coordinate of introns
	End:               End coordinate of introns
	Annotated:         Whether this intron was annotated in the gtf file as retained intron event
	Attributes:        One of the four intron types, U/E/I/EI
	Inclusion_counts:  Inclusion counts separated by commas
	Skipping_counts:   Skipping counts separated by commas
	Inclusion_length:  Effective inclusion length
	Skipping_length:   Effective skipping length
	PI_Junction:       PI_Junction value separated by commas
	Observed_counts:   Observed counts separated by commas
	Expected_counts:   Expected counts separated by commas
	PI_Density:        PI_Density separated by commas

Extra columns in Diff_$comparison_intron_PI.txt, Decrease_$comparison_intron_PI.txt,Increase_$comparison_intron_PI.txt.

	PValue_rMATS:      p-value from rMATS
	FDR_rMATS:         FDR from rMATS
	PValue_DEXSeq:     p-value from DEXSeq
	FDR_DEXSeq:        FDR from DEXSeq
	Combined_FDR:	   FDR of rank product test of rMATS and DEXSeq

###test### A folder contains test files to run the program

###log.SQUID### Log file for running SQUID pipeline

###gtf_files### An intermediate folder contains different types of gtf files to run the program. Use mouse genome as examples.

Mus_musculus.Ensembl.GRCm38.78.gtf: the ensemble gtf files. This file should be provided by user. 
Exon_Mus_musculus.Ensembl.GRCm38.78.gtf: the gtf file contains exons only
Intron_Mus_musculus.Ensembl.GRCm38.78.gtf: the gtf file contains intron only
Intron_Annotated_Mus_musculus.Ensembl.GRCm38.78.gtf: the gtf file contains the attributes whether the intron was annotated as retained introns in the original gtf files
Intron_attri_Mus_musculus.Ensembl.GRCm38.78.gtf: the gtf file contains the attributes whether the intron was overlapped with Exon and whether the intron is overlapped with other intron. 

###fq### An intermediate folder contains all of the fastq with equal read length files

###align### An intermediate folder contains all of the alignment files

###counts### An intermediate folder contains all of the count files

count_intron.txt: a file contains the counts for all of the introns

	column 1:            Intron Id representing the chromosome position, start and end.
	column 2:            Gene id
	column 3:            Strand
	column 4:            Comma separated logical values to denote Whether this intron was intron (E) or intron (I) based on read info
	column 5:            Chromosome name
	column 6:            Start coordinate
	column 7:            End coordinate    
	column 8:            Inclusion counts at 5' splice sites for sample 1
	column 9:            Skipping counts at 5' splice sites for sample 1
	column 10:           Inclusion counts at 3' splice sites for sample 1
	column 11:           Skipping counts at 3' splice sites for sample 1
	column 12:           Skipping counts of the intron for sample 1
	column 13:           counts lying in the intron for sample 1
	column 14~6*(n+1)+1: more counts for samples 2~n

count_exon.txt: a file contains the counts for all of the exon in each gene

	column 1:            Gene id
	column 2~ n+1:       Gene counts in samples 2~n
	column n+2:          Gene strand
	column n+3:          The chromosome of the gene residing 

count_all_Density.txt: a file contains the observed counts and expected counts for all of the introns

	column 1:           Intron id representing the chromosome position, start and end.
	column 2:           The length of introns
	column 3~n+2:       The observed counts
	column n+3~2n+2:    The expected counts

Total.txt: a file contains total number of unique reads in each sample

	column 1~n:        Total number of unique reads in samples 1~n

###FPKM An intermediate optional folder contains the result of FPKM result and gene expression files for the squid run without gene expression file provided.

	The result of kallisto of each sample
	The file is FPKM file that contains FPKM value for each gene.
	column 1:        Gene ID
	column 2~n+1:    FPKM value for samples 

###rMATS_files### An intermediate folder contains all of the rMATS input and output files

###DEXSeq_files### An intermediate folder contains all of the DEXSeq input and output files

Contacts and bug reports

Yi Xing

Shaofang Li

If you found a bug or mistake in this project, we would like to know about it. Before you send us the bug report though, please check the following:

  1. Are you using the latest version? The bug you found may already have been fixed.
  2. Check that your input is in the correct format and you have selected the correct options.
  3. Please reduce your input to the smallest possible size that still produces the bug; we will need your input data to reproduce the problem, and the smaller you can make it, the easier it will be.

Copyright and License Information

Copyright (C) 2016 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Shaofang Li, Yi Xing

Authors: Shaofang Li, Yi Xing

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much RAM does SQUID require?

A: It depends on the input you used in the SQUID. If the input is alignment files and FPKM files, 4G is enough for the human genome. If FPKM is not provided, FPKM will be generated by Kallisto which may takes 1G extra RAM. If alignment files is not provided, STAR will generate alignment files that may takes up to 40G to for the human genome.

Q: Are the observation counts always larger than the expected counts?

A: There is a small portion of introns that have larger observation counts and PI_Density is assigned as 1 in these introns.

Q: Does the index in the comparison file 0-based or 1-based?

A: The index in the comparison file is 1-based.

Q: Can SQUID resume previous run?

A: Yes, SQUID will resume previous run by setting parameter resume as true. Please delete the intermediate files that you’d like to regenerate.

Q: Do the reads in the fastq files have to be the same length?

A: No. If the reads in the fastq files do not have equal length, please set parameter check_len to true to generate new fastq files with equal length.


Stringent Quantitation of Unspliced Intron by Deep-sequencing








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