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Getting started

Wolfyxon edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 14 revisions

Skip to project setup

Using Lover


First, download the latest release or build Lover from source.

Also check if your OS and CPU architecture is supported. If it's not and you're willing to test it, open an issue.


Give the lover binary execution perms:

chmod +x path/to/lover

Adding to a executable directory

Put lover in any directory that's present in your PATH environment variable.

It's /bin for default (you'll need root permissions to add lover there), but you can also add more directories by modifying your .bashrc file. Simply add:

export PATH="/whatever/idk:$PATH"

for example:

export PATH="/home/coolperson/.local/bin:$PATH"



Setting up a project


Open the terminal in a directory where you keep your projects, then run:

lover new NameOfYourProject

This will create a template directory with a ready config, structure and a few template files.


Simply create a lover.toml file in your project's directory, then follow project configuration to set it up.


Lover for default interprets the file structure like this:

|_ src
   |_ main.lua
   |_ (other stuff)...

|_ build
  |_ (temporary files and exported game)...

|_ lover.toml

if you want your project structure to be different, modify your lover.toml:

source = "path/to/source/code" # if the source code is in the same directory, use "."
build = "path/to/build/files"

Refer to project configuration for more details.

Installing required software

Please see the software page.

Running your game

After you're done, you can finally test your game!

lover run

To see how to build your game, see building.