Welcome to my assembly tutorials.
- Real/Protected/Long mode : https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/45788/The-Real-Protected-Long-mode-assembly-tutorial-for
- Virtualization: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/215458/Virtualization-for-System-Programmers
- Multicore DOS: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/889245/Deep-inside-CPU-Raw-multicore-programming
- DMMI: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/894522/Teh-Low-Level-M-ss-DOS-Multicore-Mode-Interface
At the moment, the first part is implemented (Real/Protected/Long mode) and the third part (test SIPI multicore, working on VMWare only) More to follow soon.
- Edit build.bat to specify flat assembler (FASM) path.
- Edit startbochs.bat, startvmware.bat and startvbox.bat to locate the executables of these applications. Bochs is included in the repository.
Build and run, it will automatically start bochs/vmware/virtualbox with the included FreeDOS image. It will create a CD-ROM as D: and you can run it from d:\entry.exe, by default it is automatically run (autoexec.bat)