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This folder contains the resources needed by the Kubeflow DevRel team to setup a public demo of the GitHub Issue Summarization Example.


We currently run a public instance of the ui at

The current setup is as follows


Directory contents

  • gh-app - This contains the ksonnet for deploying the public instance of the model and ui.
  • gh-demo-1003 - This is the app created by kfctl

Setting up the demo

Here are the instructions for setting up the demo.

  1. Follow the GKE instructions for deploying Kubeflow

    • If you are using PROJECT kubecon-gh-demo-1 you can reuse the existing OAuth client
      • Use the Cloud console to lookup Client ID and secret and set the corresponding environment variables

      • You will also need to add an authorized redirect URI for the new Kubeflow deployment

  2. Follow the instructions to Setup an NFS share

    • This is needed to do distributed training with the TF estimator example
  3. Create static IP for serving

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT}  deployment-manager deployments create  --config=gh-demo-dm-config.yaml gh-public-ui
  4. Update the Cloud DNS record in project kubeflow-dns to use the new static ip.

  5. Create a namespace for serving the UI and model

    kubectl create namespace gh-public
  6. Deploy Seldon controller in the namespace that will serve the public model

    cd gh-demo-1003/ks_app
    ks env add gh-public --namespace=gh-public
    ks generate seldon seldon
    ks apply gh-public -c seldon
  7. Create a secret with a GitHub token

    • Follow GitHub's instructions to create a token

    • Then run the following command to create the secret

      kubectl -n gh-public create secret generic github-token --from-literal=github-token=${GITHUB_TOKEN}
  8. Deploy the public UI and model

    cd gh-app
    ks env add gh-public --namespace=gh-public
    ks apply gh-public

Training and Deploying the model.

We use the ksonnet app in github/kubeflow/examples/github_issue_summarization/ks_app

The current environment is

export ENV=gh-demo-1003

Set a bucket for the job output

DAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
ks param set --env=${ENV} tfjob output_model_gcs_bucket kubecon-gh-demo
ks param set --env=${ENV} tfjob output_model_gcs_path gh-demo/${DAY}/output

Run the job

ks apply ${ENV} -c tfjob

Using TF Estimator with Keras

  1. Copy the data to the GCFS mount by launching a notebook and then running the following commands

    !mkdir -p /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data
    !gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}
    !gsutil cp gs://kubeflow-examples/github-issue-summarization-data/ /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data
    !unzip /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data/
    !cp github_issues.csv /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data/
    • TODO(jlewi): Can we modify the existing job that downloads data to a PVC to do this?
  2. Run the estimator job

    ks apply ${ENV} -c tfjob-estimator
  3. Run TensorBoard

    ks apply ${ENV} -c tensorboard-pvc-tb