This folder contains the resources needed by the Kubeflow DevRel team to setup a public demo of the GitHub Issue Summarization Example.
We currently run a public instance of the ui at
The current setup is as follows
- gh-app - This contains the ksonnet for deploying the public instance of the model and ui.
- gh-demo-1003 - This is the app created by kfctl
Here are the instructions for setting up the demo.
Follow the GKE instructions for deploying Kubeflow
- If you are using PROJECT kubecon-gh-demo-1 you can reuse the existing OAuth client
Use the Cloud console to lookup Client ID and secret and set the corresponding environment variables
You will also need to add an authorized redirect URI for the new Kubeflow deployment
- If you are using PROJECT kubecon-gh-demo-1 you can reuse the existing OAuth client
Follow the instructions to Setup an NFS share
- This is needed to do distributed training with the TF estimator example
Create static IP for serving
gcloud --project=${PROJECT} deployment-manager deployments create --config=gh-demo-dm-config.yaml gh-public-ui
Update the Cloud DNS record in project kubeflow-dns to use the new static ip.
Create a namespace for serving the UI and model
kubectl create namespace gh-public
Deploy Seldon controller in the namespace that will serve the public model
- This is a work around for kubeflow/kubeflow#1712
cd gh-demo-1003/ks_app ks env add gh-public --namespace=gh-public ks generate seldon seldon ks apply gh-public -c seldon
Create a secret with a GitHub token
Follow GitHub's instructions to create a token
Then run the following command to create the secret
kubectl -n gh-public create secret generic github-token --from-literal=github-token=${GITHUB_TOKEN}
Deploy the public UI and model
cd gh-app ks env add gh-public --namespace=gh-public ks apply gh-public
We use the ksonnet app in github/kubeflow/examples/github_issue_summarization/ks_app
The current environment is
export ENV=gh-demo-1003
Set a bucket for the job output
DAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
ks param set --env=${ENV} tfjob output_model_gcs_bucket kubecon-gh-demo
ks param set --env=${ENV} tfjob output_model_gcs_path gh-demo/${DAY}/output
Run the job
ks apply ${ENV} -c tfjob
Copy the data to the GCFS mount by launching a notebook and then running the following commands
!mkdir -p /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data !gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} !gsutil cp gs://kubeflow-examples/github-issue-summarization-data/ /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data !unzip /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data/ !cp github_issues.csv /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs/gh-demo/data/
- TODO(jlewi): Can we modify the existing job that downloads data to a PVC to do this?
Run the estimator job
ks apply ${ENV} -c tfjob-estimator
Run TensorBoard
ks apply ${ENV} -c tensorboard-pvc-tb