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Lesson 0 - Hello CMake

As in all scripting and programming tutorials, we will begin with a simple, "Hello CMake" script. While the market value of printing "Hello, World!" is fairly low, it provides an excuse to introduce many CMake concepts. The script looks like the following:

message("Hello, CMake!")

Before we could go into detail what's going on in this single line of code, we must first talk a little about how CMake works. Much like one would have to give a jump-start to the C/C++ compilation model when confronted with the first "Hello World" in either of the two.

CMake internals

CMake essentially gets its job done, creating makefiles in the flavor of choice by going through two steps in order: configuration and generation.


The configure step is first. This is when CMake parses and processes the CMake scripts the user provides. Errors in the scripts, whether syntactic or logical, will produce configuration-time errors which more often than not will halt the processing of the CMake scripts, aborting the entire process. Some logical errors that CMake cannot forsee (much like run-time errors in all programming languages) will create errors during the build process.


Once the scripts have been processed and no errors have been encountered, CMake enters the makefile generation phase. This is the time when the set of processed CMake commands are turned into makefiles, which are written to disk.

Do not be alarmed by the amount of makefiles generated. They are logically equivalent to whatever was in the CMake scripts. This complexity allows them to execute quickly and produce nice, human-readable output. They are generated files and are not meant for editing (or even understanding).

CMake scripting language

Perhaps the most daunting part of CMake is its scripting language. Compared to modern script languages, CMake has a fairly simple, unexpressive scripting language. The reason for its simplicity is that it is the common denominator of all build systems. It does not wish to surface features which are complicated (or impossible) to implement in any back-end.

Plus, a simple language is easy to learn.

Functions (and flow control and variables)

CMake's scripting language is as simple as it gets. There are variables, functions, and a few flow-control constructs.

The interesting thing is that all these manifest as functions. Both "declaring" variables as well as assigning values is done through functions. There is no real variable declaration other than creating an empty varible with the given name.

Flow control also manifests through function calls, at least syntactically. Ultimately, CMake scripts look like a series of function calls with nothing in between.

A function call (as one might guess from the previous code snippet) looks like the following:

function(ARG1 ARG2...)

where function is the name of the function, and ARG1 and ARG2 are arguments to it. (The ... only indicates that a function may have an arbitrary number of arguments.) Note that CMake is case-insensitive regarding function names, so


works equally well, just as

function (ARG1 ARG2...)

with arbitrary white-space between function names, their arguments, and in between function invocations. The same cannot be said for arguments, as there is no delimiting character between arguments. (See Types below.)

One will encounter just about all of the above styles in the wild. Use a style that is most readable to you.

NOTE: advanced CMake users might have noticed I have abused the function "keyword" which is actually a built-in function name used to define user-defined functions. This crime was done solely for the sake of syntax highlighting in Markdown. User-defined functions will come much later in the tutorial, as one can get 95% of the way without custom functions.


Perhaps the most troubling part of the language is its type system, or to be precise, the lack of it. The only type is the string type. Everything is a string in CMake! With this clear, many of the peculiarities will become apparent.

Because CMake has been around for some time, and the scripting language evolved over time to be more user-friendly, one may encounter coding styles that are different from the one presented here. These differences serve as good examples to understand that everything is a string, as well as the way variables behave.


CMake is a Turing-complete scripting language (no proof, but seems much like it). This does not mean one should do more with it than getting a build system running. A crucial part of an imperative scripting language is the notion of variables.

One creates a variable in the following way:

set(MYVAR "Value of my variable")

The set function is used to create new variables, set the contents of existing ones, as well as "declare" a variable. Quotation marks are needed because there is not much difference in having an empty variable as opposed to not having one at all. (The difference is detectable, but essentially is able to code only a single bit of information.)

We have already promised (but not yet proven that)

message("Hello, CMake!")

instructs CMake to emit messages to the console at the time the command is encountered. The argument to message is a string. Let's take this argument from a variable.

set(GREETING "Hello, CMake!")


What would we see if we ran this CMake script?

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ...

Why don't we see the message we actually wanted to? Starting from CMake 3.0 (which means most scripts since 2015), one is allowed to omit the quotation marks to denote a string. Therefore


does nothing more than provide an all-capitalized string as the argument to message. If we actually wanted to get the contents of our variable named GREETING, we would have to "dereference" its name. Users of Bash will find dereferencing familiar. The script

set(GREETING "Hello, CMake!")


will output the expected

Hello, CMake!
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ...

The ability to omit quotation marks around strings has some interesting consequences.

set(VERB Hello)
set(NOUN CMake)

set(GREETING "${VERB}, ${NOUN}!")


This example, apart from showing that dereferencing is "stronger" than quotation marks, actually outputs what we'd expect. What happens if we omit the quotation marks, which we've learned we are allowed to do?

set(VERB Hello)
set(NOUN CMake)




-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ...

One space got left behind. If we were to take a look at the documentation page of message, we'd see something like this:

message("message to display" ...)

The message command takes an arbitrary number of string to display, which it will concatenate without any joining characters. Without placing quotation marks around ${VERB}, ${NOUN}!, the two became separate function arguments. The only time one needs quotation marks, is if he/she wishes to guard spaces from becoming white-spaces.

If we wanted to concatenate two strings (fairly common when assembling file paths for example) we could do so with

set(BASEPATH ./)
set(MAIN "${BASEPATH}main.cpp")


set(BASEPATH ./)
set(MAIN ${BASEPATH}main.cpp)

If there are no spaces to guard, we are safe to omit the quotation marks.

NOTE: we will never refer to the working directory as such, there will be special variables that allow us to refrain from error-prone solutions, such as the above.

Invoking CMake

Up until this point, we have silently omited the actual invocation of CMake. To allow the reader to follow along and verify all that is shown here, one needs to put to use hopefully some skills already possessed.


Because CMake generates makefiles of a given flavor, we will very soon need an actual makefile execution engine installed.


On Linux, luckily the default generator is Unix Makefiles which is most likely already installed. If not, one can install it saying

sudo apt install make

or the equivalent command on your distro.


On Windows, there are gazillions of options available to start. For the sake of this tutorial, we will take an incremental approach and favor *nix-style, command-line usage. Also, to obtain output identical to Unix Makefiles, we will use the somewhat outdated NMake tool.

To install the NMake build system, we will hit two birds with one stone, since it is bundled with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (which we will need later anyway).

Obtain the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 from here, and install only the Visual C++ compilers and libraries as well as the build tools. This will install both MSBuild and NMake.

Because on Windows, the installer will not place these tools onto the PATH (for good reasons), one can only use both the compiler and build tools from a so called Developer Command Prompt. This is an ordinary cmd.exe after invoking vcvarsall.bat, a batch script that is bundled with the compiler. This script sets up extra environmental variables required for the build tools and the Visual C++ compiler to work. In the Start Menu, under All Programs, find the folder named Visual Studio 2017, and launch the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 (assuming you are running an x64 machine).

Out-of-source invocation

It is good practice to build compiled languages out-of-source, meaning that all byproducts of the compilation process do not mingle with the actual source files. One can achieve this by building in a subfolder of the sources, or in a totally unrelated directory.

Let's say we have a folder structure that looks like the following:

my_project -+
            inc -+
            |    ...
            src -+
            |    ...

In this case, we could either create a build folder inside my_project, or we could create a build folder in a totally different location.

Before we actually invoke CMake, there is one more useful command to be familiar with to speed up the process. While our original

message("Hello, CMake!")

script would do just as we intended it to, it might be useful to add just one more line to it.

project(Hello LANGUAGES NONE)

message("Hello, CMake!")

By default, CMake assumes one is using it to compile C/C++ applications, and as such it tries to look for a C/C++ compiler installed on the machine. Even if one has a properly configured compiler and command-line, this detection takes time, which for the moment is totally unneccessary.

The project function takes a project name, after which one may specify the languages that the project will use. As a side-effect, it will create variables we might use later on.

As for the actual invocation, let's say we created a build subdirectory. Inside that directory, we might give the following command:

Linux Windows
cmake ../ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..\

which will instruct cmake to look for a CMakeLists.txt file one folder up from the working directory. The path provided may be relative or absolute. Makefiles will be generated in the working directory (the place from where we invoked CMake).

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell CMake which is the default generator we would like to use system wide. The default on Windows is Visual Studio 15 2017; the generated MSBuild files are fairly verbose on the command-line and not ideal for learning.

If the extra typing troubles Windows users, bear with me, because ultimately we will leave behind the command-line as it is and use CMake from an IDE that supports it. CLI usage is solely for the sake of better understanding what's going on under the hood.


These are the results on the various platforms.

Ubuntu 16.04

$ cmake ../
Hello, CMake!
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ...
$ cmake --build .

Windows 10

$ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..\
Hello, CMake!
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ...
$ cmake --build .

The second cmake --build . invocation is asking cmake to call on the generated build system to execute the makefiles.

Notice how nothing happens once we execute the generated makefiles. This is to be expected, because there was no actual work placed in the CMake scripts. The message command only has meaning at configuration-time, hence the message we see before we see the "Configuration done" message.


Even though the reader has been warned not to do too much in CMake other than getting a build going, experienced users will venture into doing fairly complex things. In such cases, and when one is still learning CMake, it is bound to happen that things go wrong within the CMake scripts. There are three tools available for debugging.


The message command is the CMake equivalent of the C-runtime printf function. It is useful when one suspects that the value of a variable is not quite what one wished it to be.


Speaking of message, this is the opportune moment to introduce the user to the cmake documentation which is a most useful resource for finding the capabilities of all commands available, as well as a list of useful variables. Elements of both resources will gradually be introduced throughout this tutorial.

Taking a final, closer look at the docs of the message command, we will see that the actual definition is:

message([<mode>] "message to display" ...)

Besides accepting an arbitrary number of strings to display, there is also an optional first argument to indicate the seriousness of the message. The docs are self-explanatory, no further comments needed beside: this is the single most useful command when learning CMake.

Verbose makefiles

CMake may configure without errors, and the values of all variables may seem fine, yet still fail compilation with compiler or linker errors. In this case, it might be useful to check the actual tasks executed. The proper way to do so is not by looking at the generated makefiles.

Verbose makefiles print out every command executed by the build system. The means of obtaining a verbose invocation depends on the target generator.

All such commands make use of the ability to pass parameters native to the build system through the cmake build driver. All arguments after the final double dash -- will be passed onto the target build system.

Ninja, Unix & NMake Makefiles

cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1

MSBuild (Visual Studio generators)

cmake --build . -- /v:diag

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