Project Summary: This project will take a text file of movies and make a hash table out of it, from which you can preveiw the movies, find movies by genre, or print out the top ten highest rated movies in the file. You can also insert or delete movies as you please.
How to Run: Download the .zip file containing the 5 files. put the .h file, .txt file, and two .cpp files into a project together. Then, simply run the main file.
Dependencies: none
System Requirements: Codeblocks or Geany-this program can run on Mac, Windows, or Linux
Group Members: Dylan Edwards, Andrew Wesselhoff
Contributors: Dylan Edwards, Andrew Wesselhoff, Jacob Grunwald, Conor Parrish, XuanZhou, Owen Wattenmaker
Open Issues/bugs: The SortbyRating method only swaps the title and the rating, not the entire node.