Have you ever needed to do inner joins of addresses from different data sets? Hook into the USPS api using this package!
username <- 'XXXYYYYYZZZZ' # get this quickly and freely by signing up at https://registration.shippingapis.com/ (not commercial).
street1 <- '333 W raspberry road'
street2 <- '333 raspberry rd'
city <- 'anchorage'
state <- 'ak'
validate_address_usps(username, street1, city, state)
# Address.Address2 Address.City Address.State Address.Zip5 Address.Zip4 Address..attrs.ID
# "333 RASPBERRY RD" "ANCHORAGE" "AK" "99518" "1565" "0"
# Check if two diffent Addresses resolve to the same address
all(validate_address_usps(username, street1, city, state) == validate_address_usps(username, street2, city, state))
More Documentation Here: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-api.htm#_Toc410982986