GameIter.jl provides a simple framework based on Julia's Iterator API and inspired by ValueDispatch.jl.
# Step One: install and use GameIter
using GameIter
# Step Two: declare game state type
# Note: score, flags, and player are required fields
# score can be any numeric type and is always assuming
# that the player denoted by the player field is trying to maximize this score.
# flags is an array of Symbols, and player is a Symbol denoting the
# current player.
immutable MyGameState <: AbstractGameState
# ...
# Step Three: add more to game state type
# Note: we'll add a board and a constructor returning the initial state.
# we'll come back to the second constructor soon.
immutable MyGameState <: AbstractGameState
MyGameState() = new(0, Symbol[], :X, fill(:N, 3, 3))
function MyGameState(prev::MyGameState, opts)
# body
# Step Four: overload GameIter.options
# Note: options takes a state and an integer, returns a tuple.
# this tuple represents a set of options representing one possible
# next move after the current state.
# options will be called with N=0 first, then N=1, and so on.
# it's return values should "cycle." that is, if there are K possible
# next moves, options(S, i) == options(S, K+i) for all i.
# these options will be used in the second constructor started in step three.
import GameIter: options
options(state::MyGameState, N::Int) = (N%3+1, fld(N,3)%3+1)
# Step Five: complete the second constructor
# Note: this is where the game's logic takes place. this example is for tic-tac-toe
# FLAG_TERMINAL and FLAG_ILLEGAL are exported by GameIter.
# these are used to flag leaf states and malformed states, respectively.
# it would be best to define options and this constructor such that
# malformed states are impossible, but, come on, it's just tic-tac-toe
immutable MyGameState <: AbstractGameState
# ...
function MyGameState(prev::MyGameState, opts)
x, y = opts
if prev.board[x, y] === :X
s = 0
f = Symbol[]
p = prev.player===:X? :O : :X
b = copy(prev.board)
b[x, y] = prev.player
m = b .== prev.player
for i in 1:3
if all(m[1:end, i:i]) || all(m[i:i, 1:end])
s = 1
if all([m[i,i] for i in 1:3]) || all([m[1,3], m[2,2], m[3,1]])
s = 1
if s == 1 || all(b .!= :X)
p = prev.player
return new(s, f, p, b)
return new(0, [FLAG_ILLEGAL], :X, fill(:X, (3,3)))
# Step Six: minimax!
# Note: GameIter exports four minimax implementations, minimax,
# minimax_depth, minimax_prune, and minimax_prune_depth.
# we'll just use the naive version for this example.
game_state = MyGameState()
while !(FLAG_TERMINAL in game_state.board)
state = minimax_naive(game_state)
GameIter is based on the Julia Interator API, meaning that iterating through child states is as easy as:
for child_state in game_state
# body
The magic happens when Julia translates this into:
iter_state = start(game_state)
while !done(game_state, iter_state)
(child_state, iter_state) = next(game_state, iter_state)
# body
GameIter manages an integer value that's passed between the start
, done
, and next
functions. The user defined options
function is used to determine when the loop is
finished--when one full cycle is detected--and to create child states through a call to
MyGameState(prev, opts)
From the ValueDispatch.jl documentation:
@dispatch fizzbuzz(n::Int) = (n % 3 == 0, n % 5 == 0)
@on (true,true) fizzbuzz(n) = "fizzbuzz"
@on (true,false) fizzbuzz(n) = "fizz"
@on (false,true) fizzbuzz(n) = "buzz"
@on :default fizzbuzz(n) = n
The options
function is inspired by the first line, and the second constructor
is inspired by the remaining lines. Note how we can collect the first five
children of a state by writing:
children_states = [MyGameState(parent_state, options(parent_state, N)) for N in 0:4]
The for child in parent
syntax can be thought of as a version of this that detects
how many children there are by watching for a "full option loop."