steps/diagnostic/ --cmd data/lang exp/tri3b_cleaned
steps/diagnostic/ see stats in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/analyze_alignments.log
1 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/build_tree.log
27 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/acc...log
8 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/update..log
33 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/align...log
20 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/convert..log
9 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/fmllr...log
steps/ Likelihood evolution:
-55.2576 -52.3376 -52.1623 -51.612 -50.1089 -48.6247 -47.4872 -46.7146 -46.154 -45.526 -45.1648 -44.7545 -44.4738 -44.2664 -44.0799 -43.9154 -43.7681 -43.6342 -43.512 -43.3358 -43.2092 -43.1134 -43.0245 -42.9414 -4
2.8652 -42.793 -42.7238 -42.6577 -42.5951 -42.5037 -42.44 -42.4085 -42.3882 -42.3738
exp/tri3b_cleaned: nj=10 align prob=-45.15 over 355.80h [retry=0.0%, fail=0.0%] states=5952 gauss=150145 fmllr-impr=0.71 over 293.24h tree-impr=9.36
steps/ done training SAT system in exp/tri3b_cleaned
local/nnet3/ preparing directory for low-resolution speed-perturbed data (for alignment)
utils/data/ data/train-clean-360_anon_sp/feats.scp already exists: refusing to run this (please delete data/train-clean-360_anon_sp/feats.scp if you want this to run)