This folder contains templates for Pulumi projects written in besom.
Dependencies: random provider
To generate random provider run:
just generate-provider-sdk random
just publish-local-provider-sdk random
This template uses Pulumi random API to output a pet name by using RandomPet
It will set up file structure for you and let you go in any direction you need.
After running pulumi up
you can check the name of your pet by running pulumi stack output
Dependencies: kubernetes provider, localy configured kubernetes
To generate kubernetes provider run:
just generate-provider-sdk kubernetes
just publish-local-provider-sdk kubernetes
This template requires you to have kubernetes set up, you can do this locally via docker desktop - how to. If you have already configured kubectl
to point to your external infrastructure (e.g. Google Kubernetes Engine) it will also work.
It deploys nginx to your kubernetes cluster. It's equivalent to the offical Pulumi kuberenetes template for example the TypeScript one.
After running pulumi up
you can check the deployment using kubectl get pods
you should see your nginx pod running.