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WIP: Support codegen for resources
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prolativ committed May 19, 2023
1 parent 632a61b commit e909e1c
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Showing 5 changed files with 548 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions codegen/Test.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package besom.codegen

import java.util.Arrays
import java.nio.file.Files

object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val filePath = "/tmp/k8s.json"
val packagePrefix = "besom.api"
val destinationDir = new File("./.codegen-out")

val packageMappings = SchemaReader.readPackageMappings(filePath)
val codeGen = new CodeGen(

val resourceSpecs = SchemaReader.readResources(filePath)

.foreach{ res =>
val (fileContent, relativePath) = codeGen.genForResource(res)
val absolutePath = destinationDir.toPath.resolve(relativePath).toAbsolutePath.normalize
Files.write(absolutePath, fileContent.getBytes)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions codegen/project.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
//> using scala "2.13.10"
//> using lib "org.scalameta::scalameta:4.7.3"
//> using lib "com.lihaoyi::upickle:3.0.0-M1"
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions codegen/src/CodeGen.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
package besom.codegen

import scala.meta._
import scala.meta.dialects.Scala33

import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}

// parsing json -> semantic transform -> code generation

// def genClasses(packageName: String, classes: Seq[GenClass]): String = ???

// def genClass(clazz: GenClass): Defn =
// Seq(genClassDef(clazz), genCompanion(clazz) genFactoryMethod(clazz))

class CodeGen(/* basePackageParts: List[String] */ basePackage: String, packageMappings: Map[String, String]) {
// def typeFilePath(spec: TypeSpec, prefix: String): Path = {
// //tpeSpec.
// val typeIdParts = spec.typeId.split(":")
// //val providerName = typeIdParts(0)
// val packageSuffix = packageMappings.getOrElse(key = typeIdParts(1), default = typeIdParts(1))
// val path = s""
// }

// def genOutputClass(spec: TypeSpec) = {
// val outputSpec = OutputSpec(

// )
// }

// def genOutputWithArgsClass(spec: TypeSpec) = {
// // Defn.Class(
// // mods = List(Mod.Case()),
// // name = Type.Name(,
// // tparamClause = Type.ParamClause(List.empty),
// // ctor = Ctor.Primary(

// // )
// // )
// val className = Type.Name(
// val fields: List[Term.Param] = { fieldSpec =>
// Term.Param(
// mods = List.empty,
// name = Term.Name(,
// decltpe = Some(fieldSpec.tpe.asScalaType(basePackage, packageMappings)),
// default = fieldSpec.tpe.defaultValue
// )
// }.toList
// // val fields = List(
// // q"""val x: Int"""
// // )
// val classParams = Term.ParamClause(fields)
// val outputClass = q"""case class ${className}(..${classParams})"""
// }

// def genResourceClass(spec: ClassSpec) = {

// }

// def genArgsClass(spec: ClassSpec) = {
// val className = Type.Name(
// q"""case class ${className}(..)"""
// }

def decapitalize(s: String) = s(0).toLower.toString ++ s.substring(1, s.length)

def genForResource(spec: TypeSpec): (String, Path) = {
val typeIdParts = spec.typeId.split(":")
val providerName = typeIdParts(0)
val packageSuffix = packageMappings.getOrElse(key = typeIdParts(1), default = typeIdParts(1))
val resourceName = typeIdParts(2)
val resourceClassName = Type.Name(resourceName)
val argsClassName = Type.Name(resourceClassName + "Args")
val argsCompanionName = Term.Name(resourceClassName + "Args")
val factoryMethodName = Term.Name(decapitalize(resourceName))

val commonResourceProperties = List(
FieldSpec(name = "urn", tpe = StringType, isRequired = true),
FieldSpec(name = "id", tpe = StringType, isRequired = true)

val imports =
"""import besom.util.NotProvided
|import besom.internal.Output
|import besom.internal.CustomResourceOptions""".stripMargin

val resourceProperties = commonResourceProperties ++

val resourceClassArgs = { fieldSpec =>
val fieldBaseType = fieldSpec.tpe.asScalaType(basePackage, packageMappings)
val optionalFieldType = if (fieldSpec.isRequired) fieldBaseType else t"Option[$fieldBaseType]"
val fieldType = t"Output[$optionalFieldType]"
mods = List.empty,
name = Term.Name(,
decltpe = Some(fieldType),
default = None

val argsClassArgs = { fieldSpec =>
val fieldBaseType = fieldSpec.tpe.asScalaType(basePackage, packageMappings)
val fieldType = if (fieldSpec.isRequired) fieldBaseType else t"Option[$fieldBaseType]"
mods = List.empty,
name = Term.Name(,
decltpe = Some(fieldType),
default = None

val factoryMethod =
s"""|def $factoryMethodName(using ctx: Context)(
| name: String,
| args: $argsClassName,
| opts: CustomResourceOptions = CustomResourceOptions()
|): Output[$resourceClassName] = ???""".stripMargin

val argsObjectApplyArgs = { fieldSpec =>
val paramBaseType = fieldSpec.tpe.asScalaType(basePackage, packageMappings)
val paramType =
if (fieldSpec.tpe.isMapType)
t"""Map[String, $paramBaseType] | Map[String, Output[$paramBaseType]] | Output[Map[String, $paramBaseType]] | NotProvided"""
t"""$paramBaseType | Output[$paramBaseType] | NotProvided"""

mods = List.empty,
name = Term.Name(,
decltpe = Some(paramType),
default = Some(q"NotProvided")

val argsObjectApplyBodyArgs: List[Term] = { fieldSpec =>
val fieldTermName = Term.Name(
val argValue =
if (fieldSpec.tpe.isMapType)
Term.Assign(fieldTermName, argValue)

val packageDecl = s"package ${basePackage}.${providerName}.${packageSuffix}"

// TODO: Should we show entire descriptions as comments? Formatting of comments should be preserved
// val resourceComment = spec.description.fold("")(desc => s"/**\n${desc}\n*/\n") // TODO: Escape/sanitize comments
val resourceComment = ""

val resourceClass =
s"""|case class $resourceClassName(
|${ => s" ${arg}").mkString(",\n")}
|) derives ResourceDecoder""".stripMargin

val argsClass =
s"""|case class $argsClassName(
|${ => s" ${arg}").mkString(",\n")}
|) derives ArgsEncoder""".stripMargin

val argsCompanion =
s"""|object $argsCompanionName:
| def apply(
|${ => s" ${arg}").mkString(",\n")}
| )(using Context): $argsClassName =
| new $argsClassName(
|${ => s" ${arg}").mkString(",\n")}
| )""".stripMargin

val fileContent =

val pathParts = basePackage.split("\\.") ++ Seq(providerName) ++ packageSuffix.split("\\.") ++ Seq(s"${resourceName}.scala")

val filePath = Paths.get(pathParts.head, pathParts.tail.toArray: _*)

(fileContent, filePath)

object CodeGen {
def genFromSchema(schemaFilePath: String, destRootPath: String) = {
val packagePrefix = "besom.api"
val packageMappings = SchemaReader.readPackageMappings(schemaFilePath)

// val outputSpecs = SchemaReader.readOutputs(filePath)
val codeGen = new CodeGen(

val resourceSpecs = SchemaReader.readResources(schemaFilePath)

.foreach{ res =>
val code = codeGen.genForResource(res)
// val destFileSuffix =
// def fromFile(path: String, packagePrefix: String) = {
// val packageMappings = SchemaReader.readPackageMappings(path)
// val resourceSpecs = SchemaReader.readResources(path)
// val outputSpecs = SchemaReader.readOutputs(path)
// new CodeGen(
// packagePrefix/* .split("\\.").toList */,
// packageMappings
// )
// }
// def genResource(classSpec: ClassSpec)
// def genInput(classSpec: ClassSpec)

// def genOutput(classSpec: ClassSpec) = {
// // Defn.Class(
// // mods = List(Mod.Case()),
// // name = Type.Name(,
// // tparamClause = Type.ParamClause(List.empty),
// // ctor = Ctor.Primary(

// // )
// // )
// val className = Type.Name(
// val fields: List[Term.Param] = { fieldSpec =>
// Term.Param(
// mods = List.empty,
// name = Term.Name(,
// decltpe = Some(fieldSpec.tpe.asScalaType),
// default = fieldSpec.tpe.defaultValue
// )
// }.toList
// // val fields = List(
// // q"""val x: Int"""
// // )
// val classParams = Term.ParamClause(fields)
// q"""case class ${className}(..${classParams})"""
// }

// def

// object Test {
// def main(args: Array[String]) = {
// val objectMetadataCode = CodeGen.genOutput(Examples.ObjectMetadata)

// println(objectMetadataCode)
// }
// }

// object Examples {
// val ObjectMetadata = ClassSpec("ObjectMetadata", Seq(
// FieldSpec("annotations", MapType(StringType)),
// FieldSpec("clusterName", UnionType(List(NullType, StringType))),
// // FieldSpec("creationTimestamp", UnionType(List(NullType, StringType))),
// // FieldSpec("deletionGracePeriodSeconds", UnionType(List(NullType, IntegerType))),
// FieldSpec("finalizers", ArrayType(StringType)),
// FieldSpec("managedFields", UnionType(List(NullType, NamedType("ManagedFieldsEntry")))),
// ))
// }


trait ManagedFieldsEntry

case class ObjectMeta(
annotations: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
clusterName: Option[String],
creationTimestamp: Option[String],
deletionGracePeriodSeconds: Option[Int],
deletionTimestamp: Option[String],
finalizers: List[String] = List.empty,
generateName: Option[String],
generation: Option[Int],
labels: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
managedFields: List[ManagedFieldsEntry] = List.empty,
// name: Option[String],
// namespace: Option[String],
// ownerReferences: List[OwnerReference] = List.empty,
// resourceVersion: Option[String],
// selfLink: Option[String],
// uid: Option[String]
) // derives ResourceOutputDecoder


// package foo

// trait NotProvided

// case class Bar1(
// xxx: Int | NotProvided
// )

// object Bar1:
// def apply() = 1

// case class Bar2(
// xxx: String
// )

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