This is my practice repository where I solve coding problems from various sources, including LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks. Each folder contains specific code solutions for different data structures and algorithms.
- Solutions for problems involving array manipulations.
- Example: Reversing elements in k-sized groups.
Binary Tree:
- Implementations of various tree traversal algorithms.
- Example: Postorder and Preorder traversal using loops.
- Algorithms related to graph theory.
- Example: Detecting cycles in a directed graph using DFS.
Linked List:
- Operations on singly and doubly linked lists.
- Example: Reversing nodes in k-groups.
Misc Codes:
- Various other algorithms and solutions.
- Example: Calculating the Nth Fibonacci number using matrix exponentiation.
Misc Codes v2:
- Additional miscellaneous codes.
- Example: Adding two strings of numbers.
- Solutions to specific coding problems from online platforms.
- Example: Solution to Q.344 of LeetCode.
Some Other Codes:
- Other assorted solutions and code snippets.
- Example: Getting the Nth node from the end of a linked list.
- Exploration: Browse through the folders to explore different solutions and understand various approaches to solving coding problems.
- Learning: Use the code as a reference to learn and practice coding techniques.
- Contributing: If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to create a pull request.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd unCode
- Explore the folders and files to find solutions to various coding problems.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or new solutions, please fork the repository and create a pull request. Make sure to follow the coding standards and include appropriate comments in your code.