Geoportail-KISS is a simple way to integrate mapping services of the French Geoportail in the main JavaScript mapping API (OpenLayers, Leaflet, OL3, Google).
- OpenLayers.Map.Geoportail : IGN's Geoportail Map
- OpenLayers.Layer.Geoportail : IGN's Geoportail WMTS layer to render Geoportail layers
- L.TileLayer.Geoportail : IGN's Geoportail WMTS layer to render Geoportail layers
DEPRECATED - ol integration is now part of ol-ext, see examples online
A simple way to access geocode and altimetric services
A jQuery plugin for Leaflet Geoportail maps.
- $("#mymap").geoportail(); // to create a simple map in the "mymap" div
- Maps in ".geoportalMap" divs are automatly created on document load.