This repository is designed to hold the code for developer enviroments as well as server deploys.
This includes packer and vagrant at the moment.
The developer environment set up is fairly straightforward. Just ensure that you follow these instructions.
There are some prerequisites for installing this developer environment. First, I would suggest that you use a decent Linux-like terminal. On Mac this is the standard terminal, on Windows you can download something like cmder, git bash or cygwin. Once you have a standard terminal to use, download Vagrant, VirtualBox and Packer.
Once that is complete, you are ready to move forward. The first step is to set up and clone the repository...
# Make a git folder in home
mkdir -p ~/git/
cd ~/git/
# Clone the repository
git clone
The next step is to build the Packer box.
cd ~/git/viewzr-infr/packer/
# Build the box
packer build viewzr.json
This will take some time. Be patient
The next step is to set up the vagrant box from the Packer build result.
cd ~/git/viewzr-infr/vagrant/
# Bring up the box
vagrant up
# Wait until the box is finished
vagrant ssh
The final step is to complete the set up scripts. This is a time consuming part of the process and will require your attention to make sure things work properly.
# Create the environment
# Log back in after the reboot completes....
vagrant ssh
# Create your user
# Change to your user
su - <username>
The final steps are to create your ssh keys and clone the repos.
# Generate keys, if you don't know the answer to the questions, hit <enter>
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Now you are going to copy and paste them into your Github profile. Ask for help if you are confused about this.
# Final step
# Install Atom (optional)